chapter 8: Quibli

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"Quibli, you are hereby suspended from Jade Mountain Academy until you can improve yourself and not attack a student. I hope you learn your lesson."

Quibli stood in shock as Sunny delivered the news to him. Yes, he had attacked Moonwatcher, but that's besides the point. She deserved it for saying that Winter probably ran off because he was scared to confront her.

Quibli may tease the frost snout, but he still cared about the guy. He was the first dragon he talked to at Jade Mountain. He deserved the verdict of being suspended, but Moonwatcher deserved that broken snout for talking bad about Winter.

"So how long do I need to stay out of school?" Quibli questioned.
"As long as it takes to make sure you won't attack another dragon pointlessly" Sunny remarked

"It wasn't pointless! She insulted Winter, saying that he probably ran off instead of being kidnapped, but I can't believe that for one second!"

"That does NOT give you that right to break her snout, Quibli!"

Quibli took a breath and took a few moments to calm down before his newfound temper got the best of him. He didn't know where it came from, but he couldn't control it most of the time.

Quibli sighed, "I'm sorry Sunny. I'll leave immediately. I'll return when I'm able to keep my temper in check again." He nodded his head in farewell and walked out the cave entrance, weaving his way through the complicated mountain passages.

Before he reached the exit to the school, he bumped into Turtle. "Hey have you seen Umber?" Turtle panted out. He looked exhausted, as if he'd been searching for Umber for quite some time.

"The last time I saw him was in the prey center, two days ago. I'm sorry Turtle."

"You're fine, i- I'll catch you later." Turtle hurried away, fixing his eyes forward and no where else.

Quibli found it strange but he continued to head to the exit, standing at the windswept entrance before taking off, and heading west, towards the scorpion den, towards his home, towards his past, and towards Winter.

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