Chapter 18 - Believe me

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3rd Person

"Okay. I know you aren't on the... best on terms. But you have kids that need you and I don't want you arguing, okay." She started, and they both nodded along.

"So. I want to hear what happened. Mike, say whatever you need to say." Max gestured for him to speak with her hand.

"Well there's not much to say. I didn't do anything and that's that." Mike scowled.

"That's all you have to say? No apology no nothing?" Max's eyebrows raised in suprise, her voice angry.

"Well there's nothing to fucking apologize for because I didn't do anything!" Mike spat, flailing his arms around in an angry manner.

"Calm the fuck down! Honestly, get a fucking grip." Max chuckled sarcastically, getting on Mike's nerves.

"No! You come into my house, tell my husband that I cheated on him, when I didn't even fucking do anything, and then get surprised when I'm angry! You think I'm just gonna sit here and watch as my entire fucking life falls apart?" Mike fired at Max, her eyes widening.

"And you know, surprisingly enough, I don't really fancy loosing the love of my life because you're a dumb bitch who believes everything she's told!" Mike spoke sarcastically, and Max gasped.

"You know what, Mike. Fuck you. I'm trying to help you here." Max got up, about to leave.

"Well you caused the entire problem in the first place so I think you've done enough." Mike scoffed, getting up aswell.

"You are going to bring my fucking kids back to my house tomorrow morning because I don't want them around you. I'll be waiting at the door." Mike warned.

Max glared at him, before leaving, grabbing her stuff, storming out of the house.

Mike slumped back on the couch, crossing his arms and spacing out, his leg bouncing and eyes watering. Will watched, not entirely sure what to do, as he still didn't know whether he believed Mike or not. He watched as tears began to stream down Mike's face, and he sighed softly.

He sat down next to Mike, connecting one of his hands with Mike, staying silent aswell as he looked down at the floor. Mike shot his head over in Will's direction, a small red blush spreading across his cheeks.

Neither of them dared to break the silence. Neither of them wanted to. It was the first time in what felt like forever they had a peaceful moment together, even under the circumstances they were currently in.

Mike's tears stopped falling, a small smile spread across his face as he began to feel that Will may believe him.

"Y-You believe me yet?" Mike asked him.

"I don't know.. I want to, Mike. But it's difficult." Will whispered, unconsciously tightening his grip on Mike's hand.

"I want you too know, I would never do something like that to you, Will." Mike spoke.

"I don't want believe you would. But, so- so much has happened lately and I just-.. I don't even know what to think." He sighed, looking over at Mike.

"Do you- do you want me to leave for a bit?" Mike asked him quietly.

"No. No don't leave." Will whispered, slightly ashamed that he still wants Mike around.

Mike nodded softly, looking down at their hands that were still connected. He smiled softly, his thumb rubbing the back of Will's hand without Mike even realising.

"Do you think we should bring the kids back?" Mike looked over at Will.

"No. I don't want them seeing us argue." Will shook his head, and Mike nodded.

"Well we need to go and see them." Mike muttered.

"I know. And we can. But for now they should stay with Max and Lucas." Will told him, and Mike sighed.

"I'll go and ask Max and Lucas if they can take care of them both for a while." Mike told him as he disconnected their hands.

Will nodded softly as Mike walked over to grab his phone from the kitchen counter, dialing Max's number.

"What." Max's voice came through the phone, not sounding particularly impressed.

"Listen. I'm sorry about earlier, okay." Mike muttered, and he heard Max sigh softly.

"I'm sorry too, now what's up?" She spoke gently.

"Can- can you look after Finn and Drea for a bit..?" Mike's voice was thick with shame.

"Yeah, of course. I'll try and explain what's going on so that they don't get upset." Max sighed.

"Thank you." Mike smiled gently, genuinely thankful.

"It's alright, I should go now. Try and fix things with Will, okay?" You could almost hear the smile in Max's voice.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'll try my best." Mike nodded, forgetting Max couldn't see him.

"Alright, bye." Max laughed softly.

"Bye." Mike grinned, ending the call.

{Word Count: 799}

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