Cross your legs, mind your manners, and keep your opinions to yourself. That's what my mother told me all the years ago, but now the flaw in her system sticks out like a sore thumb and now it's clear to me that experience is the key, when I rule this damned earth you will surely see. They'll be no yes m'ams or no sirs, we'll drive them out in a fury so fast their heads will spin and it'll be their turn answering our questions. The questions they threw over their shoulders in whispers not meant for the kids they still thought we were. When our time comes they wish they had heard us, because now were coming in full force, full speed ahead, no warnings or blinkers turned their way, but we'll roll in with flashing lights and confetti canons, big signs because here we are. They considered us young and reckless, but we were merely bold and outspoken, soaring on our bravery and riding on our strength. We were not confined within the lines of their stiff guidelines or to their pathetic stand-up rules. We stood on makeshift alibis and fake-id's. On underage cigarettes and liquor on our lips. We stand on our own, now. We refuse to bow down and take orders. We yell until we're heard and we will demand to be listened to. We are here, right here in front of you and we will not go away.
teenage fools
PoetryI write poetry about life, death, love, hurt, depression, and basically everything.