I wanna go home, where coffee is brewing and the bath water is running
I wanna go back, when I woke up next to a beautiful girl and had warm fuzzy feelings that only cliche movies could explain
I wanna go home, where the stairs are creaky and old but the love inside was new and refreshing
I wanna go back, when I had a home because fuck I'm feeling pretty homeless right about now with doors once ours has locked me out
I wanna go home but how can I go home when that house was never once mine, you always had the key claiming I didn't need one because you'd always let me in, but months later and I'm stranded outside at a local bar asking myself what to do, when a stranger comes up and asks me, " are you lost?" And I shake my head and laugh at the sky because I'm not lost at all
I'm stranded

teenage fools
PoetryI write poetry about life, death, love, hurt, depression, and basically everything.