Do you ever just get the overwhelming sense of comfort? You wake up in the morning and your bed feels just right and the air is exactly like its suppose to be. That feeling that you're home and nothing could mess that up?
That's how I felt when I was with you. You were my comfort and with you I felt more at home that I'd ever felt in my entire life, despite the fact you were as brand new to me as the sunrise, and I remember when you'd call me at 4 in the morning and tell my to get my ass up and even though I'd went to bed only an hour ago, I'd drag myself out of bed and spend the next three hours talking to you about everything I could think of, my eyes never leaving the skyline for the sake of you. Something about sitting on that creaky brown roof folded into you, made me feel safer then any locked door or guns stored in my dads room ever could.
Do you remember that? Seems like such a long time ago months later after all the destruction died down. You were my home, my comfort, but just like any home it can all come crashing down when tornados come through ripping it all apart and comfort goes away as soon as you realize you only have yourself at the end of the day. God, I don't care if homes can fall apart, they can always be built back again so baby please help me pick up the pieces and repair our home.D.E.D AND B.N.W
My talented best friend wrote this with me.
teenage fools
PoetryI write poetry about life, death, love, hurt, depression, and basically everything.