. My definition of love how we started talking and I didn't ask what her favorite color was or what's her moms first name, instead I put a earbud into her ear and for the first time ever someone look at me with much more then curiosity, she looked at me as though I ripped her chest open and stole her heart. I guess I did looking back. My definition of love is her. Her is a small framed body with red head I think my fingers have ran through more times then I've breathed. My definition of love is Her eyes of comfort and lips soaked in heaven. I never saw eyes with such depth before but also everything I need to know lays on the surface of her eyelids and god her lips, they taste like sweet mint and feel somewhere between a cloud and silk
My definition of love is the first time we kissed and I wasn't even sure what the hell I was doing but when I got the guts to do it, my whole life changed and I haven't been the same since. The definition of love is when she wrote a song for me which I went over in my head only a million times and when she sang it to me I swear I heard angels fly. My definition of love is Every time we hold hands I feel like I'm holding a butterfly and can't crush the wings so I'm gentle and rub my thumb in her palm.
My definition of love is her voice. The way it its smooth and she always knows what to say before she even has time to think, her heart just processes words as easy as I can count to 3. I miss her voice even when I heard it just 5 minutes ago, and it drives me crazy how in a crowd of people I know I could easily point hers out, I've learned it like the back of my hand
The definition of love is when she traces her fingers on my spine as though shes touching something breakable and valuable. She would always stop at the dip in my back and kiss my shoulder blades whispering in my ear phrases only I trust from her. My definition of love is when were laughing so hard I swear my ribs are gonna crack and her eyes will flood waterfalls because she never holds back, she's all or nothing
The definition of love is the first time we made love in her bed we sank together, I was like a anchor drowning myself into her and it was awkward and I don't even know if we did everything right but it felt like paradise In between my thighs and her voice did something I wanted to hear forever more. .
My definition of love is when she has a bad day and embraces my body for comfort she usually can't receive. She has the saddest cries and I want to pull all her tears out she will ever have and throw them away, her smile is too stunning to be shamed by water.
The definition of love is Everytime I mess her hair up and she hits me, but never hard enough to hurt just hard enough to make me laugh because she thinks laughter is the cute to everything.
My definition of love is when were tangled up in bed sheets with popcorn stuffed in our mouths watching some movie we can't even pay attention to because you hate movies and I can't keep my eyes off of you.
My definition of love is when she picks me up by my waist and spins me around just to say hi for she wants to be the first person every morning to make me smile first.
The definition of love is waltzing in our local coffee shop with guitars being strummed behind and your sweet lips on the back of my neck while your hands guide my body. I stepped on your feet probably ten times but you said I was the best dance partner you've ever had.
My definition of love is her un expecting ways and the element of surprise she sustains, lord knows I never know what she's gonna say and it draws me in more.
My definition of love her sense of humor and how she's so funny she doesn't even catch it when I'm on the floor laughing at some remark she made.
The definition of love is her waist. It's smooth like rose petals but colored like daises or perhaps snow, all I know is it felt great on mine.
My definition of love is the first time we went to a concert and it was the type of music where a year ago I would of laughed in someone's face if they suggested I go, but when you asked me with your precious smile I wasn't gonna say no. In fact, I actually loved the concert and as we danced in a congested crowd, my arm around your waist, I saw a glimpse of our future and couldn't get my smile to erase. I would of danced all night if I could.
My definition of love is the photos we took walking around your streets, the weather was frigid but your lips were warm and hands form into mine. The warmth of your heart took away from the coldness of the wind.

teenage fools
PoetryI write poetry about life, death, love, hurt, depression, and basically everything.