When you smile your eyes light up like the sky on the Fourth of July, in a strange arrays of color, all sorts of blues and greens and golds. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, but I'd never tell you. Not to your face anyway because you make me all crossed and confused. Every time I'm near you my palms sweat and my knees go weak, which is not common for a heartless girl like me, at least I thought I was until your lips touched mine for the first time
It was a rushed sloppy kiss, but I felt it. My heart, for the first time since I was born, I felt something in me radiate. It was like my whole body was isolated and froze in ice all these years, and someone finally turned the heater on and all the fuzzy cliche feelings are happening. Its fucking beautiful, and scary and I wasn't sure how to react but I kissed you again because it felt right and I haven't felt "right" in a long time.
I think just like I got addicted to your lively eyes, I began an obsession with your plumb pink lips. It became our thing that in between Spanish and chemistry wed walk halfway to your class, and just stop. We would just look into each others eyes and I got lost every damn time. We didn't even care if we were late to class, because the only language I wanted to speak, was whatever her eyes were saying to me.
Crazy thing about addictions? They can kill you, I got too caught up too quick. I started making you late everyday and you'd complain so you would purposely walk a different way, one night we were laying in bed and you said my boney shoulder hurt and you went to sleep rolling over away from me, and you started kissing me less and less each day, sometimes not at all. You said stop trying so damn hard, but the thing is when you're heartless all your life, I turned the heat up I guess too high, I'm sorry baby I guess "heartless" girls weren't ment to fall in love.

teenage fools
PoetryI write poetry about life, death, love, hurt, depression, and basically everything.