seven - the living ordeal

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Gwen spent the following day wallowing in "her" room

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Gwen spent the following day wallowing in "her" room. She'd already taken the time to check in on clients, already showered and freshened up, already did ten jumping-jacks just for fun, and already tried bothering Crab as much as she could.

All of her clients were fine-- Hailey had kept to her word.

Though, she was hoping to get back to work soon to fulfill her favorite annual order.

Her shower had gone cold before she could savor it. She tired herself out doing the exercise, so she tried napping. But she couldn't let herself fall asleep long enough before she was met with the events that occurred several nights ago. Bothering Crab was an entirely different thing in it's own.

First, the tried annoying him around ten in the morning. He was clearly tired; his eye bags deeper than usual and his hair messy on top of his head, likely from his hands searching for relief in the strands.

But he snapped at her after poking his arm once, stopping her from continuing all together.

The interaction dampened her mood, but only for an hour. So, she tried again at eleven.

This time, she simply walked out of her room to him, standing in front of him and mocking his stance. She crossed her arms over her chest like him, flattening her feet widely as he had, and even tilted her head up a bigger to appear larger. Then, she proceeded to stare at him for a solid ten minutes, trying to force herself to laugh at how clearly irritated he was with her insistence.

She seemed some humor.

But all he did was say, "You're making my job extremely easy right now."

And that then irritated her. The last thing she wanted was for their lives to become easier because of her because they had made her life insufferable.

When the day had neared noon, she found that she had nothing left to do except browse social media to try and distract herself from the fact that she was bored out of her mind. She hadn't seen Kite in days, but she knew that he was still browsing her phone in search for something every few hours.

The only person she'd actually seen since Nine left yesterday was Crab, and he was the one who brought her a meal instead of the blonde that usually does.

That was when there was a knock at her door.

"If you're here to apologize, beat it," she hissed, hoping the person on the other end was Crab, trying to make amends for snapping at her.

The door cracked openly, a blonde head of hair peeking through.


Gwen sat up in the small bed, letting her hair fall messily around her face as she stared blankly at him. He had no food in his hands, so she knew he needed something else other than feeding her.

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