thirty eight - the touch ordeal

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Nine was going especially hard on her today

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Nine was going especially hard on her today.

"Spread your feet apart again. Stop fucking forgetting."

He had no explanation for his bitter mood other than his own weak decisions last night on the fire escape for her.

So, naturally, he was taking it out on Blue.

You know, since in his mind she factored into his idiotic choice of telling her too much in his own comfort zone.

"Can we take a break?" She asked between heavy breaths.


He said nothing else when he relaxed his posture in front of her on the mat, raising his fists before swinging one her way.

She was getting better.

Still not good enough, but better than when they first started.

Like always, she ducked his blow and swiftly attempted her own towards his side. Nine jumped back impeccably smooth, curving his bare and toned stomach away from her fist and dropping his form backwards onto one hand, kicking his leg at her.

She wasn't expecting it, but still barely got away from the forceful leg flying her way, stumbling over her own feet briefly before catching her balance.

In a matter of milliseconds, Nine was standing back up, his cold stare set directly in her eyes and not even bothering to watch her quick attempts of maiming him.

Her brown eyes fluttered his way before forcing towards his hands, keeping a sharp stare on them.

He nearly stopped breathing with the way she peered up at him.

When he didn't make a move, she used one of her arms to block her chest, the other aiming to punch and twist just as he taught her against the foam pads.

Though, he could see the goal in her eyes and successfully grasped her arm heading his way.

Confusion coated her features, Blue's fist that was protecting her chest immediately swinging in the heat of the moment to hit his forearm holding hers to him.

He allowed her motion, ignoring the slight sting of her fist meeting the veins in his arm, and released his hold.

Then, she put her defenses back up, stepping backwards from him and beginning to circle around him. He didn't let her have any advantage, just matching her moving form in his own much larger, broader way.

Nine spent a good several hours working out before she arrived this morning.

He needed to get a lot of pent-up anger and frustration out. And even though he didn't want to have to see Damian before their mission tomorrow, he decided it was better than sitting in his apartment, simply waiting for the inevitable questions Blue would have whenever she got up.

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