ninety - the stagnant ordeal

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Everything was at a cold, distant standstill

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Everything was at a cold, distant standstill.

Nine-- over the last twenty-four hours of avoiding Gwen-- had gone through a plethora of emotions that he couldn't begin to describe. He was used to feeling his endless drive and anger towards everything that he'd worked for.

But what he'd been experiencing was neither of those.

Firstly, it came as a massive shock to him to admit that he loves Gwen. It felt like a self-discovery that he never expected to happen. To say it took him by surprise to suddenly blurt that to a woman who'd just assaulted him was an understatement.

It was never his intention to fall in love.

And he wasn't exactly sure how it happened either.

But secondly, there was an icy, rageful feeling residing beside that love. He knew it was jealousy, to begin with. However, something else told him that he was furious.

At Gwen.

A part of him that most would consider his reasonable side said that he had no real reason to be upset with her. She'd made decisions that hurt him, yes, but she did it because she didn't know that his own actions were forced. Not his own.

She wouldn't have intentionally hurt him knowing that he'd been put in that awful position, and he was sure of it. Truthfully, if the roles were reversed and he was in her shoes, he probably would've done the same thing to get back at her.

That sting of revenge tasted so bitterly sweet. And he was well versed that them being so similar like that was extremely toxic and hurtful to a relationship. But before yesterday, he had literally no reason to ever visualize them together. As a couple. And now he had.

That didn't stop his anger though.

He was fortunate enough to not have walked in on the two of them together, but that revolting feeling lurching inside of his stomach at the way she so obviously had just been letting him touch her was unstoppable.

He begged it to relent, but it persisted. And he found himself unable to rid the disgusted, hateful look in his eye at her.

Because all he could see was Zayn's hands wandering her figure that he'd claimed as his own in his head.

It was then that he was aware that regardless of him discovering his love for her, he still held contempt. What for, he couldn't decipher.

But it began his day with a sour taste in his mouth, and he decided that he would avoid her.

Gwen had already disappeared, Niall saying something about taking her to her flower shop to do some things and muttering that he would discuss more serious topics with her in the care.

Nine didn't care.

He just didn't want to be around her for the time being, not until he sorted his emotions.

𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 | 𝙷.𝚂.Where stories live. Discover now