New Invention

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Andromeda had found himself a new hobby during his break. Although his new art wasn't great, it was still something that occupied his mind and kept him away from harmful thoughts. The tiny metal sculptures had given him a purpose, even if it was small. They were worth the difficulty and burns he had received throughout the break.

He found that he could put out a small cardboard platform on his fire escape and start building there, where the air could be clear. Luckily his room was attached to the fire escape, although if he forgot something in the living room he would have to shuffle through his mom's room.

"I think I like wielding." He shyly said before placing a metal bee on his kindergarten teacher's desk. It was janky, and poorly put together but an idiot could see it was a bug. Even if it took hours and is still taped together he could still call it art.

She smiled and picked it up cautiously. It was only the size of her palm, yet he was still proud of the small scrap of metal.

"It looks amazing, Star." She said as she twirled it in her hand and placed it back on the table. "You should continue doing this. I imagine you could sell these things."

"Maybe. I'm still not sure what I want to do when I grow up, but if it goes well I think I'll keep it." He shrugged, putting it back in his pocket.

"Maybe it's because you still want to be a hero." She leaned back in her chair and stared up at him, waiting for the expression that told her no. Instead, his cheek slightly raised and quickly fell. She exclaimed, "See? You still want to be a hero."

"I want to, but it's still unrealistic. There's no quirkless hero for a reason." He sighed

"What about making machines? You can create machines to fight with, no?" She leaned forward and poked at his shoulder. He gave another half smile and shrugged, dismissing her.

"So, how was the break for you?" The subject changed faster than a light switch.

"It was alright. Nothing much other than welding. I think I have another new dad since this new guy has been over a lot lately. He calls me 'son' too much for him to not think he's staying." He mused the idea of the man his mom was seeing another man so quickly after the last.

"Why do you say that?" She inquired.

"Because he doesn't know I'm quirkless" He whispered as a sneer crossed his face. "As soon as he starts to realize I'm disabled he'll run for the hills like all of them did."

"What if he's different?" She tried objecting but Star quickly shook his head.

"Why stay with someone that makes quirkless kids? I don't want a quirkless son! It would be cruel to have one." He realized that the green-haired boy had just walked in behind him, but the conversation was too deep. His head twisted to see him walking behind with his hands tucked under his backpack straps.

The green hair smiled and nodded at the statement. Having kids that are quirkless when you're already quirkless is just simple cruelty.

The teacher sighed in defeat with a smile, "You two are stubborn kids. In all my years of teaching, I have found it the hardest to convince any of you two of anything."

"Sorry." The green-haired boy blurted out.

"Not in a bad way. You two are just… set in your ways, to say the least." She bit her cheek trying to say the right words. She pointed at the other quirkless boy, "Deku, how was your break?"

He seemed a little panicked at the finger pointed at him.

"Oh, uhm. It was okay. There wasn't anything special going on." He shrugged calmly and placed his backpack on the chair.

"Nothing?" She probed and he shrugged awkwardly.

"Darn. Usually, kids your age go out and have some fun or something. How come you two don't go do something? Anything."

He stared at the green hairs and he stared back as if trying to find something to say. Star shook his head at the idea of being friends and he copied confidently.

"I don't want his bullies after me." He pointed at Deku

"I don't want the whole school after me." Deku shook his head lightly at the idea.

"Is that why you two don't talk to each other?" The teacher's face wore a bit of disappointment.

"I like knowing I'm not the only one here that's quirkless, but to double the trouble we already go through isn't worth it." Star started collecting his backpack so he could throw it in the locker and continue with his day. He needed to pick a good seat before someone else did.

"Maybe after you two grow up, you can be best hero friends."

Those words made Deku smile instantly. He loved words of inspiration from anyone who wasn't his mom since she was obligated to say nice things.

Star didn't find her words as amusing. He couldn't see himself as a hero, so why could she see something in him? He understands himself better than she ever could, and he knows that he could never be a hero.

"Have a nice day, miss. I'll see you tomorrow."

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