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"What do we have about him?"

Tara had just crossed the corridor of the dreary building, rolling up her shirt sleeves ready to deal with whoever was in the torture room.

Sam who was waiting for her at the door with her arms crossed. Handed a  file to her youngest sister. "A daughter and a wife, he says he hasn’t heard from the Bailey's for two years."

Tara nodded and tied her hair into a messy bun, grunting a vague 'I should cut it' as the long strands of her bangs fell in her face.

"Chad and Mindy have been dealing with him for the past hour, but he doesn't seem ready to talk." The Latina added, checking her watch quickly then glancing at the door before turning to Tara again. "Want to take care of it?"

A smirk appeared on her lips, as she took out her Swiss army knife and unfolded it with a silent click. "With pleasure."

Sam shook her head and chuckled. "I’ll wait for you in my office, don’t take too much time."

"Do I look like someone who take their time? Sammy in 2 minutes we'll have the new Bailey's location, trust me." She replied in a confident tone, running her tongue over her teeth.

"I'll leave you." Sam finally spoke as she started to walk away, loosening her tie. "See you, Tara."

"See ya." The smaller woman said giving her a solemn wave as she turned the doorknob of the room.

Tara opened the door and faced Micheal Robinson chained to a chair. He seemed barely conscious and his eyes were blindfolded.

Mindy was cleaning a wrench on the only other piece of furniture in the room that was empty and unsanitary.

And Tara's head whipped to the other side, Chad had activated a drill.

"Chad." She interrupted him by walking towards him, taking the drill from his hands. "We won't need it, but thanks anyway-"

The burly man looked sulky. "But we were just starting to have fun..."

"Yeah, We haven't even had one of his teeth pulled out yet." Mindy complained, pulling out a saw. "And I was planning on sawing off his toe-"

"Jesus Christ." Tara huffed in a scolding tone, looking at them viciously. "That's why no one wants you twins to interrogate anyone, you guys are messy."

The two Minks were like burned by her remark. Their eyes opening wide at the same time and their expressions turning sulky to visibly upset.

"Well if you think you're that much better than us, go ahead and let's leave you with this piece of trash." Mindy announced, angrily putting her tools back in her toolbox. "Are you coming Chad?"

"Yeah." He stuck out his lower lip, narrowing his eyes as he picked up his giant hammer from the ground. "Go ahead Tara, since you're so better than us."

The two stomped their feet as they left before slamming the heavy door of the room.

A gesture which seemed to make poor Mr. Robinson jump on the spot.

Tara chuckled, bending her head both ways to crack her neck. "These twins are always so sensitive, aren't they Mr.Robinson?"

No answer.

"I heard that your daughter is going to celebrate her birthday in two weeks." She spoke as she approached him, removing the blindfold from his eyes, revealing his multiple injuries on his face and his two black eyes. "She will have twenty-two years old, it would be a shame if something bad happened to her before then."

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