Drabble #1

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Summary : First flight together.

"Aren't you excited?" Winnie whispered playfully as she squeezed her girlfriend's hand in hers, brimming with excitement.

The two girlfriends, with Chad and Mindy were heading on a trip to Paris which would last about ten days.

But for now, Tara was looking out her porthole with a livid expression on her face.

She swallowed hard and turned to the blonde with a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I'm super excited. How long is the flight again?"

"The flight lasts about eight hours, I thought you would know since you've already gone to Paris." She replied, her voice still low, her eyes shining with joy as she placed a kiss on her nose.

"On a boat." The Latina whispered.


"We went with Sam to Paris by boat..." She muttered, turning towards the blonde with an embarrassed frown, chewing her lower lip before speaking again. "Because...well because I'm kind of terrified by planes."

An heavy silence followed, Tara's freckled cheeks turning slightly red.

"Oh baby..." Winnie spoke her eyes softening.  "You should have told me that sooner."

Tara didn't have time to replied to her words as the blonde was already taking her in her arms, taking her in a tight embrace, as she placed a kiss on the top of her head, and began to caress along her back reassuringly with her hand.

Chad and Mindy both looked at each other from their seats, behind theirs. They had always taken the plane with Tara. And this business trip with Sam she went there in her Private Jet.

"Huh Tara?" Chad cleared his throat with a confused expression, straightening up with both hands resting on their seats. "Since when do you take the boat? I've never-"

He was cut off by Tara, who discreetly, maliciously, and quickly dug her nails into his hand, drawing a gasp of pain from him.

He shook his hand out of her grasp and slumped back into his seat with a sulk.

Winnie looked up at the noise and turned slightly. "You said something Chad? Sorry I didn’t hear it, I wasn't really paying attention-"

"Nothing." He grumbled, rolling his eyes. "We were just talking about boats with Tara."

"Yeah." Mindy snored. "Boats."

The twins never thought they would witness this in their wholes lives. Tara Carpenter faking being afraid of planes to get all the attention and affection of her girlfriend.

Winnie shrugged and focused again on Tara still wrapped comfortably in her arms. "You can sleep babe, I'll wake you up when the plane starts landing."

"Thanks, love." She said in a low voice, shifting into an even more comfortable position.

The blonde smiled contently, her hand now stroking Tara's hair in a slow motion. Not seeing the smirked that Tara had, her dimples showing as her eyes sparkled with satisfaction that her plan worked.

"Wait, yesterday weren't you bragging about how you flew a plane on your 21st birthday?"


"Tara, I know you're awake."

"Did I ever tell you that I love you very very much-"

"You're unbelievable."

"...I still can stay in your arms, rigth?"



"I love you very very much too, by the way."

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