Drabble #4

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Summary : Sam tries to stop the fights between Winnie and Tara.

"Okay, so let me recap it all." Sam sighed, giving the two girls in front of her a look. "Tara, you're upset because you're tired of sleeping on the couch and it hurts your back. And you, Winnie, still suspect her of cheating on you, so you don't let her come into the room and into bed."

The blonde scoffed. "I don't suspect it, I know it-"

"She's a psychopath, I can't talk to anyone anymore without her accusing me of cheating on her." Tara grunted with her arms still crossed with a sulky expression.

"Who are you calling a psychopath, you cheater." She whispered threateningly as she pulled out a Swiss Army knife.

Tara open her eyes wide reaching for her pockets. "My knife! You b-"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Sam got up from her chair when she saw Winnie rushing towards Tara, threatening her with the knife she had placed at her throat.

Tara placed the barrel of her gun against the blonde's head.

"You're so not calling me names Tara." Winnie muttered as she dug the blade into her skin, not breaking contact between their eyes. "Or I swear the living room will become your permanent bedroom."

"At the moment, it looks like it already is." Tara replied, loading the gun. "Winnie, if I don't kill you right now it's because I plan to sleep in the bed tonight."

She chuckled bitterly. "You can count on that, and enjoy it, because I won't be in that appartement anywa-"

"Girls, please." Sam sighed, massaging her temples. "Don't make me call security."

"Fine." Tara said putting her gun away.

Winnie slipped the blade between her two fingers and handed the handle to Tara. "Here, there your stupid knife-"

"Thank you." She spoke sharply as she took it back.

"So now everyone sit back down." Sam instructed, sitting down in her chair again.

The two girls sat down again, not taking their eyes off each other.

"Okay, maybe we should just talk like adults do, you know?" She looked between the two before pointing at Tara. "Tara, start by talking about what’s really bothering you, and then apologize."

"Why am I the one that has to apologize?" She asked defensively before turning to the blonde who seemed to be smiling at something as she looked at her phone. "And what are you smiling at?"

"Nothing concerns you or my room." Winnie replied with a smirk before shrugging. "A room that won't be empty if you keep-"

Sam signed. "Not again-"

Tara got up like she had been burn by the blonde statement. "What are you talking about? Give me your phone-"

"Make one more step!" She spoke with glare, pulling out a blade and pointing it at Tara before turning her head towards Sam. "See? She wants to act jealous when she was the one who made me jealous in the first place-"

"She has no reason to be jealous!" Tara exclaimed putting both hands in front of her as she stood up too. "Sam back me up!"

Sam shook her head and let her shoulders fall into her chair even more. "I don’t know, I really don’t have the strength to deal with you today."

"Just admit it Tara, you cheated on me." She sighed, pinching her nose. "I saw that lipstick stain on your shirt."

Tara gave her a look. "You never do the laundry."

"And so?" The blonde scoffed. "It was the maid who asked me about it. You came home last Friday with a lipstick stain on your shirt, so stop playing-"

"Last friday?" Tara repeated with a thoughtful look. "You mean, the Friday we went to Anika’s gala?"

Winnie raised an eyebrow. "Maybe, who cares anyway, don't change the subject-"

"You mean, last, one of Mindy and Anika's stupid friends started hitting on you at this gala, Friday?" The Latina insisted, taking a step forward, before raising both eyebrows as if to force the memory into her mind.

"Yeah." She suddenly chuckled at the memory. "You got so jealous that you-- Wait- That was my lipstick?"

"That was you lipstick?" Sam asked completely confused by the situation.

"Of course that yours!" Tara groaned, running a hand over her face. "A week of sleeping on the couch for something you did!"

Winnie laughed awkwardly as he dropped the blade. "Oh sorry baby, it slipped out of my mind."

Tara sent her a glare before starting to walk away.

"What? You're upset now? " The blonde immediately started to catch up with her. "Tara, baby!"

Sam's office door slammed and she sighed, shaking her head. This kind of thing happened every week, and always ended in a similar way.

"Are you still mad at me?"


"Let's look on the bright side, that means I care about you-"

Tara rolled her eyes. "I know what you're trying to do."

"I love you baby-"

*Grumpily* "I love you too."

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