Drabble #2

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Summary : A conversation surprisingly brightens Tara's night.

"Please, behave." Winnie whispered sternly as she ran her hand through Tara's hair.

She slapped her hand, her lips pursed, her doe eyes deeply hurt as she was staring up at the blonde. "I think I know how to behave properly in society, thank you."

"Oh yeah? Like the time you tried to cut out my cousin Jacob's tongue?" The blonde reminded her by holding her gaze, her index finger raising her chin to empathize her words. "I'm serious Tara, these people are my family-"

"I know." Tara rolled her eyes under her breath. "That's why I'm here. For you..."


"And your family." She grumbled, removing the blonde's finger from her chin. "Let’s just get this over with."

The thing about Tara is that she hated children. Little kids who babbled or bothered her about stupid things like the color of their glitter shoes. But despite that, they seemed to love her. Every place where Tara was, a child would be nearby, bothering her and would stay stick to her 27/7.

Now the Robinson family gatherings? There were so many children and babies there that we could no longer count them or keep them in place. We would often found them under the tables, bumped into them and even more, the least lucky being those who were pushed while they were giggling and running across the entire floor of the building of the big hotel rented for the occasion.

"Why do you have spots on your cheeks?" One of them asked Tara, pulling her sleeve, pulling the fabric of her shirt with the other.

The Latina was staring at her girlfriend who was on the other side of the room, chatting happily with her cousins ​​who had come straight from Switzerland, for this event.

Other children were playing all around her noisily, she would probably have lost her temper sooner if the blonde wasn't sending her little glances and smiles to make sure she was okay. These little interactions that were the only ones that seemed to keep her sane at the moment.

"Are you my cousin's lover?"

Tara's head whipped towards one of the children. A little girl, blonde blue eyes, a devilish smile.

Definitely a Robinson.

"I'm sorry?-"

She stopped two of the little boys who were playing at shooting each other with empty water guns and pointed at Tara, before speking in a condescending and accusatory. "She’s Winnie’s lover, it’s because of her that she doesn’t come to see us often anymore."

"Really?" The little boy asked innocently, turning towards what appeared to be his big brother.

"If Regina says it, it must be true." He nodded.

The two brothers exchanged a look, then soon there were three looking at each other.

Before Regina declared as if they had a silent agreement. "You don't deserve our cousin, and you're really short. Even Woody is taller than you and he's 15."

Tara's eyes opened wide like marbles, her cheeks turning furiously red, if her ego was in her heart, she would be stabbed right in it.

The two little boys giggled, adding under their breath that Tara was even smaller than a certain 'Master Shifu'

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