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"I can't live without you, I can't breathe without you, or sleep without you." Tara uttered softly, leaning down to kiss the back of Winnie's hand.

The blonde chuckled and removed her hand from Tara's to place it on her shoulder, a gesture that tore a displeased expression from the smaller woman.

"It's really sweet, Tara." She replied with a bright smile on her lips, as she began to fidget with a lock of her hair around her finger. "But you can't spend the night here tonight."

The brunette placed her hand on Winnie's craving for her touch, giving her doe eyes almost pleadingly. "Then come home with me to our apartment, I don't want to be without you tonight."

"You know I can't do that, my parents really want me there, they just got back from Seattle." Winnie whispered quietly as she leaned down to place a kiss on Tara's cheek.

The two had returned from one of their umpteenth dates, in a restaurant booked entirely by Tara who wanted Winnie absolutely to herself.

It was Winnie who had insisted on taking things slowly for the moment, they were already girlfriends of course, but the blonde had not moved in with Tara despite her insistence on it. And the blonde really wanted to get to know Tara, because in fact, the woman could be very secretive about her life outside of being someone in the business as she called it.

The only thing Tara proclaimed loud and clear was her love for Winnie, that much was clear.

"I'm going to miss you a lot, I can't stop thinking about you at night." Tara murmured a little sheepishly, the red rising to her face due to the fact that the blonde had kissed her cheek. "You're almost the only one thought that comes to me every night and day."

"Almost?" The blonde replied teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

"Almost." Tara affirmed, a smirk forming on her lips. "The rest is to think about the new lingerie set I'm going to get you for-"

She was cut off by a chuckle from the blonde as she slapped her shoulder with the other hand playfully.

She took the opportunity to grab her other hand as well, moving down the one that was on her shoulder and joining the two. Her thumbs caressing the back of them carefully.

"How about I drop you off tomorrow first thing in the morning? Your parents won't even know the difference." Tara offered in a last attempt to have the blonde by her side for the night.

The blonde bit her lower lip as she stared down into Tara's brown eyes, the temptation to accept spinning in her head.

"I really wish I could say yes to you Tara, but not tonight." She replied reluctantly with a sigh.

The Carpenter woman kept her smile and nodded. "It's okay I understand, I'll see you tomorrow night then."

"Not really though." Winnie grimaced a little for fear of disappointing Tara too much. "I have my hairdressing session with Anika. You know, I told you during dinner at the lake that she gave me the number of this really good hairdresser."

"It's like you cast a spell on me, no matter what you do I'll be waiting for you." The smaller woman replied with playful expression. "I'll see you as soon as you're available Winnie, and if you need anything, and I insist on this, anything, call me."

Winnie, relieved inwardly that the brunette is not too upset. Pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

And then Tara released the blonde's hands, after a last kiss on the back of them, her eyes never leaving hers. "I already can't wait to see you again."

"Bye, Tara." Winnie finally spoke as she entered her mansion.

"Bye." She replied, watching the door close.

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