Drabble #3

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Summary : A worrying call wakes up Winnie in the middle of the night.

It was Saturday night, and Winnie was sleeping peacefully.

Tara told her not to wait for her and that she would be home late.

So her evening had been calm and silent in the large apartment. She had dinner then watched TV until she began to doze off and finally went to bed.

But yet at 2am, her phone rang loudly after someone decided to disturb her despite her phone being in do not disturb mode.

She tapped on the empty bed until she reached the object she was looking for and hung up the call.

But the phone rang again and again and this time she answered before breaking down violently. "I'm asleep, call me back when I'm available, that means never-"

"Winnie, it's me love."

There was a lot of noise behind her voice and this caused the blonde to raise an eyebrow and sat up on her elbow curiously.

"Tara? Babe, where are you?" She muttered, looking around.

"You need to promise me, you're not gonna be mad." The Carpenter girl spoke in a worried voice.

Winnie now sat up completely, rubbing her eye in confusion. "Tara are you okay? Do you want me to come pick you up or something?"

"Winnie I love you very much you know, and do you see that Jacquemus bag that you wanted so much? I would buy it for you-"

"Okay, what did you do?" She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Because Tara you didn't miss one of our anniversary, you didn't break something of mine so what? Tell me quickly what you did."

"You need to promise me, you're not gonna be mad or break up with me."

"Sure, I promise." Winnie agreed, nodding her head. "Happy now? Tell me what's happening ? And do we have to hide a body again?"

"You're gonna wish we do."

A long silence ensued in the apartment.

Then Winnie uttered a cry of horror at Tara's explaintion. "You what?!"


"Tara when I'll come to pick you up, you would have preferred that I break up with you compared to what I am going to put you through." She grumbled menacingly, clutching her phone tighter in her hand.

Tara swallowed and quickly hung up, turning to the twins. "It’s official, I’m dead."


"Tara Carpenter!" A voice shouted, storming inside.

Tara didn't have time to say a word when she felt a burning pain in her ear.

Winnie pulled her ear nastily under the amused gaze of the manager. "I leave you alone for one night! One night! And I have to pick you up at a strip club!"

"But baby you need to understand-"

"You're so not calling me that." She hissed, pulling her ear even harder, earning a whimper of pain from her, and snoring from the twins.

Then the next one in was Sam, seeing the disaster.

The club was almost empty, the music was still playing in the background but more softly. The twins were drunk dozing in their seats. And Winnie was severely scolding Tara in a corner.

The Latina was protecting her now scarlet ear with her hand, a guilty pout on her face. "But Winnie, it wasn’t my idea-"

"And so? Why did you followed them!?" She shouted, poking an accusing finger into her chest.

"I didn't dare to say no." She replied in a pleading tone, trying to take a step towards her girlfriend. "They can be really convincing."

Sam sighed and shook her head.

"Who is that stupid to-- What is this?" Winnie cut herself when she saw a handcuff placed around Tara's fist, which was holding her ear.

"Oh yeah, sorry, that's ours." The manager interrupted awkwardly as he took it off Tara's wrist, slipping his key through it.

Winnie completely turned red with rage, staring at Tara with her eyes wide open. If looks could kill, we wouldn't want to be Tara.

"I know what it looks like but, I swear, I'm only faithful to you-"

Winnie didn't give her more time to continue her sentence and grabbed her girlfriend's tie aggressively before she dragged her towards the exit.

"Sam, you've got the twins?" The blonde asked not even turning around, Tara following her obediently.

"Yeah." The older Carpenter nodded. "Good night to you both."

Tara couldn't respond as Winnie pushed her out of the club quickly, cursing under her breath.

The manager chuckled as he continued his pace around the club's bar with an amused smile. "She had warned us about the wife all night, but damn, what a woman."

Sam hummed with the corners of her mouth turning into an amused smile. "I especially want to see what she’s going to do to the twins next."


"Where do you think you're going?"

"To bed?" Tara replied confused.

Winnie pressed Tara's cushion against her before showing her the end of the corridor with her eyes.

The Latina looked as pitiful as she could, her doe eyes softening almost melting like snow in the sun.

But the blonde ignored her gaze and pursed her lips. "You’re sleeping on the couch tonight."

"But love, sweetheart, baby-"

"Save that for one of your whores." She spat before slamming the door.

Tara slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

She hated sleeping without the blonde, she knew that her reaction was normal but she really hoped that she could at least stay with her tonight.

As she lay down in the couch, revenge was on her mind for the twins who had forced her to go there. Without knowing that from their bedroom Winnie was doing the same thing.

*Both waking up now bald.*

"Oh, I'm not surprised."

"Me neither, I was even a little afraid of not waking up at all at this point."

*Gesture with his hand about how crazy Winnie is.*

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