Chapter 2: Bath Time

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The last letter for the day, it came from the Nie sect, but unlike the others which were all complaints this one brought good news. Nie Huaisang was getting married. To think that the shy younger brother of his late sworn brother would get a partner before him. But as much as he felt a twinge of jealousy he was also happy. The man had been all alone ever since his brother's passing, some company would do him good.

Putting the letter away for later, Zewu-jun was finally done. Having sat down in the same position for hours he stretched to get rid of the uncomfortable stiffness of his muscles. It helped a little, but not completely. They still complained as a result of hours of disuse. Given that he was free for the day and with a couple of hours left before curfew, Zewu-jun decided that taking a bath would be the perfect way to spend his time.

Going outside and feeling the lightly cool breeze on his skin he thought it would be best to visit one of the Cloud Recesses' hot springs. So he started walking, getting greeted by his disciples as he went. Nothing out of the ordinary, except...


The upset sound of a bell could be heard. It had stopped ringing an hour ago so he had assumed the group had gotten over its novelty and tossed it away. Lan Xichen could imagine Jiang Cheng getting stuck in the negative cycle of getting mad which would lead to the bell getting louder, which would then cause him to get even more angry, leading to the bell becoming louder once more. And then when he was unable to stand it any longer he'd get rid of it. Not that Lan Xichen had heard anything to indicate that happening. But he also hadn't stuck around for long enough to figure out how the bells worked. Perhaps Jiang Wanyin had simply been too far away for the Lan to hear it.

The bell grew silent once more. There was no use trying to figure out the cause on his own. If he remained curious he could always ask the next time he met with any of them. Lan Xichen had now almost made it, in fact he could already see the sign displaying the name of the spring. Just a short series of steps and he'd be there. Slowly walking he could hear a set of footsteps further down the path, as well as the sound of wet clothes being smacked together in an effort to remove some of the water. Disburst in between the sloppy noises were flurries of profanity. Lan Xichen hurried his steps to reach the Jiang faster.

Sect leader Jiang was taking the shameful walk back to his temporary stay in the cloud recesses. In his hands were his robes, completely drenched and a stream of water was running from them as he went. The only thing covering him was a small towel wrapped around his waist.

His well sculpted muscles were on full display for all around to see, which currently was just Lan Xichen. As the younger cultivator came into his view Lan Xichen's feet had stopped on their own. Standing and watching from a distance he could see Jiang Wanyin flapping his robes around, less so for a practical reason and more just to vent his anger. The Jiang had yet to notice him, but making himself known would be better than being caught staring at his bare chest.

"Sect leader Jiang, is everything okay?"

Startled, the Jiang took a step backwards, his ears turning a bright red. Looking everywhere and nowhere, possibly searching for a place to hide. But there was no use, he'd already been found and there was nothing he could do to avoid meeting sect leader Lan. So instead he made himself small by shrinking in on himself as the Lan approached.

"Did something happen to you?" Lan Xichen asked with a concerned tone, once he'd gotten closer.

"I'm fine, I just fell into the water as I was about to leave" Jiang Cheng said, ashamed of not being able to stop himself from falling. They had had the same idea, to take an afternoon bath in the hot spring. Only difference being that Jiang Wantin had already finished and was on his way back whereas Lan Xichen was just arriving. If only he'd finished his work earlier... Letting the thought linger for just another second Lan Huan collected himself. There wasn't any changing the past, what he needed to do in the present was to help the Jiang out.

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