Chapter 12: Swap

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Of course it wasn't surprising for the Jiang to retaliate, but hadn't it been too much for them to both gang up on the man? Wei Wuxian's hit hadn't even been all that hard, just a light slap to the arm, nothing unusual for the two of them. Jiang Wanyin's reaction however had been anything but usual, whipping out Zidian when there wasn't any actual danger posed. At least the Jiangs hadn't aimed for any place which might cause real harm, though his brother would likely be in pain for a while. It sure was strange. Not knowing what to make of what he had just witnessed, Lan Xichen turned to his own Jiang.

"Anyone not acting like you?" If there was anyone who knew Jiang Cheng, it would be Jiang Cheng himself. But he simply shook his head.

"I would've probably done the same in their place" he admitted. If he wanted to get out of here, to be the one who got picked as the real Jiang, then why did he just lie to cover for them? Lan Xichen wondered.

"So we can't determine which one is the real one?"

No" he said dejectedly "I can't even tell them apart, much less tell which one is the real me. If someone who is that believable is fake, then what about me? Am I a fake too?" The man beside him sighed as he placed his head on his knees. "I just want to get out of here." He later corrected himself "I want the REAL me out of here, who's supposed to take care of Jin Ling and the Jiang sect if I'm not there? What would happen if the me who gets out were to just disappear in a couple of days?" The fear of not being able to protect the ones he loved was stronger than his fear of being stuck in here.

"That won't happen" Lan Xichen said with certainty, he didn't know how yet, but he would make sure to get him out.

"Thanks, but I'm serious. They all look so alike" Jiang Cheng looked out over his clones with little hope.

"It might seem impossible, but I WILL get you out." Lan Huan was determined to make it so. "If it eases your mind, I promise to take care of your sect and nephew if we somehow don't" The Jiang's expression softened, reassured by the words of sect leader Lan. There was even a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"With that attitude perhaps you are the real Jiang" he said, lightening the mood. Lan Xichen had just promised to do the impossible, to tell identical copies of Jiang Cheng apart. It was perfectly in line with the Jiangs' motto. But he wasn't a Jiang, he was as much of a Lan as ever. He was simply a Lan in love, able and willing to do anything for the one who held his affections.

"Even so, you do have a plan right?" Jiang Wanyin asked, not wanting to put his trust in empty words. After making sure the coast was clear Lan Xichen showed the two keystones he held in his hand. Sect leader Jiang picked one up and held it in his hand, flipping it over. Lan Xichen wasn't worried about handing it over to him, it seemed like Jiang Wanyin was just as intent to get the original out as he was and even if this one took off there would still be one keystone left. 

Jiang Wanyin would not remain stuck in this cave.

Closing his hand around the keystone he still had left, Lan Xichen watched as the Jiang turned the other stone over another couple of times.

"Rule 324?" He asked. The bell happily jingled as he spoke.

cling cling cling

"I suppose you could say that" Lan Xichen laughed. "Jingyi managed to get his robes damaged. Without his spiritual powers and without the seals of his robes it wouldn't have been safe. It is my job as sect leader to protect my disciples from danger."

"Rule 23?" Jiang Wanyin smirked. He already knew. Lan Xichen had grabbed a second stone to give to sect leader Jiang without a second thought. It wouldn't have mattered who had been left behind. If there had only been two stones total, Lan Xichen would have left all of his companions behind and gone in alone.

In fact at the time he couldn't even be sure whose keystone he'd stolen, he had left Jin Rulan and Lan Jingyi to fight over the final keystone. But as predicted it was a fight which the Jin would win, he was far too protective of his uncle not to. However, he was not as protective of him as Lan Xichen.

"Wanyin..." he scooted closer, so close that he could feel the heat radiating from the Jiang's body. "I will always be here to protect you." he whispered.

cling cling cling

"You'll protect me from danger even if I'm not your disciple?" The Jiang asked playfully. Listening to Lan Xichen talk had clearly calmed him down significantly. Seemed like he placed all of his trust on him figuring this out. So much so that he was leaning into him, placing his head securely on the Lan's shoulder.

"Of course, you're..."


Their moment was cut short by the sudden sound. Jiang Cheng jumped back in surprise. In between them on the ground was a small amber colored stone which had just hit the floor.

"I'm sorry, I tried putting it in your sleeve" Wanyin whispered. Placing his hand inside, Lan Huan confirmed his new suspicions.

"They don't work in here" Similarly to how he couldn't use his spiritual powers he was completely cut off from everything he was carrying around. But why wouldn't Jiang Wanyin hand the keystone back normally? "Did you want something?"

"What?.. uh... no, yes?"

Wanting to make sure their conversation was kept private, Lan Xichen leaned over to whisper "If you're looking for Sandu then it's attached by my hip. He did not know what the Jiang might want with the sword, especially since their spiritual powers didn't work. Without those it was just a regular sword. If Jiang Wanyin was looking for protection then Zidian was a far superior choice in this situation.

"Yes... hip..." Sect leader Jiang murmured nodding to himself, his face flushed a bright red.

"It's my turn with Zewu-jun" An abrupt and matter of factly voice sounded behind him. Having been caught up with paying attention to the Jiang in front of him, Lan Xichen hadn't noticed the one sneaking up behind him.

"You're taking turns only with me?" He asked amused, seeing that none of the other Jiangs had opted to change their partners. But this worked out in his favor, because this new Jiang was the only one left he needed to check, all the others were undoubtedly fake.

"Yeah" the Jiang blushed. "I just enjoy your company. I might be left behind and stuck here forever, am I not allowed to say goodbye?" It was clearly a lie, if he was really walking around wishing people goodbye he'd have chosen his nephew first. For even now his worry of leaving Jin Ling alone in this world trumped that of getting stuck and dying in this cave. The previous Jiang had said as much.

Even if Jiang Wanyin had been truly and madly in love with him, family would always come first. But putting the lie aside, the worry was genuine. He really thought he'd be stuck in here for the rest of his life. And it wasn't like his fear was unfounded, at least five of them would be left behind. Lan Xichen only had the ability to bring one of them through the seal and he wasn't planning on bringing a fake.

"I assume you don't know if you're the real one either?" Lan Xichen asked. Jiang Cheng shook his head. "Well, like I promised the other you I will get you out. The real you" he said looking back for the first Jiang to back up his words, but he had already left to go stand next to the throne, leaving Lan Xichen alone with his new Jiang. The swap had been made.

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