Chapter 9: Captured

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The next day the Cloud Recesses was engulfed in silence and it would likely continue far into the day. Judging by how drunk the Wei had been the day before, he might not even wake up until after lunch-time. Normally this would be a relief for everyone, but today the silence was deafening. Not because of his brother-in-law but because of Jiang Wanyin.

This was the day the Jiangs and the Jins would travel back to their respective territories. Usually on days like these Jiang Wanyin would be up early, making sure everything was correctly packed as well as counting in his disciples. But the silence indicated that might not be the case. Jiang Wanyin's bell was nowhere to be heard. Had it disappeared similarly to how his brother's had the day before? Maybe, but most likely the Jiang was still asleep, he too had a lot to drink last night.

Stepping out of his bedroom Lan Xichen's foot caused a clang as it hit a metallic item. Looking down he spotted Sandu still laying there on the floor, having been left behind by its owner. Jiang Wanyin hadn't mentioned it last night and so Lan Xichen had pretended not to notice it laying there. This way he had an excuse for going to see sect leader Jiang off. Not only that, but Jiang Wanyin had no way of leaving without it, seeing that it was his mode of transportation. Picking up the sword Lan Xichen secured it to his belt and made his way to the Jiang's residence, unlike yesterday he made no detours on his way.

Knock knock

Everything was silent. Giving the inhabitant time to get to the door Lan Xichen looked around. Not a single Jiang in sight, meaning their sect leader had yet to wake. The other Jiangs were even less willing to wake up at five o'clock than their sect leader was and if Jiang Wanyin wasn't there to punish them for not being up, then they weren't up.

Off in the distance he spotted a small white flag, was that some sort of signal the Jiangs used? Since it's still up, did that mean their sect leader had yet to be spotted? So much work, all to avoid waking up on time.

Time passed but there was no one answering the door. Given how much he had been drinking the night before, perhaps it was to be expected. Still, Jiang Wanyin didn't like being late when it came to departures, perhaps it was best to go wake him up. It didn't matter that it wasn't polite to enter another man's house when he was sleeping, given that Lan Huan had entered to put him to bed just a couple hours ago the rule had technically already been broken.

"Wanyin" Lan Xichen tried to make himself known once he had entered the house. After waiting yet another couple of painstakingly long seconds of silence he turned the handle on the door to the bedroom. Peeking inside he expected to see the Jiang's scowling face. Most men looked calm, almost childlike when asleep, but Wanyin looked possibly even more grumpy as he had a permanent frown plastered on his face, even when sleeping. But to Lan Xichen's surprise, the bedroom was empty.

"Wanyin!" he called out, louder this time.

But Jiang Wanyin wasn't the only thing missing, so was all of the bedding. Worried about how cold it was getting, Lan Xichen had put a handful of extra blankets around him. None of which were to be seen. However this made it possible to get a good view of the bed frame, which had a large set of claw marks on it.

His blood went cold. Not only had Jiang Wanyin been taken away, but the lack of hearing the bell's ringing frightened him half to death. Remembering the white fabric from before he rushed outside and sure enough it was one of the Lan clan's white blankets, not a flag like he had previously thought. Rushing in the direction he'd been given he soon ended up outside young master Jin's residence. Frantically banging on the door, Lan Xichen felt like it might break under the force he was exerting on it. Not even as he could hear the Jin stumbling awake, did he stop. He needed Jin Rulan to hurry, there was no time to waste.

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