Chapter 8: Drunk Wanyin

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When he returned after carrying Jin Ling back he found a very entertaining scene. This time when entering they were all too drunk to notice as he walked in and so he sat down on the far side of the room to watch them play. Lan Zhan had a tight grip on his husband's right arm and Jiang Wanyin held onto the left.

"Mine" Lan Wangji spoke, with a glare deadly enough to be on the same level as the one Wanyin shot back at him.

"He was mine first!" Jiang Cheng pulled on Wei Wuxian's arm to take him away from the Lan. But Lan Wangji quickly reacted to pull his husband back to his side.

"Well, he's MY husband" They were like two small children fighting over their favorite toy.

"Don't worry, there's enough of me to go round" Wei Wuxian said, placing one arm around each of them. But like the kids they were acting as, they had no intention of sharing.

"NO" the two said simultaneously, suddenly being in total agreement with one another.

"Choose one" Lan Wangji said, confident that he'd be the chosen one, and for good reason. They both stared at Wei Wuxian as he pried Jiang Wanyin's fingers away from his robes.

"Sorry, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do" As he spoke with a shrug as his husband smugly scooped him up in his arms. Holding him out of the Jiang's reach.

"Well, if you're going to steal my brother, then.... then I'm going to steal yours!" Lan Xichen's heart lurched. Even if it was just a drunken way of getting back at Lan Zhan, it was still a confession of sorts. Earnest or not didn't really matter, his heart reacted all the same.

"And how are you going to do that?" Lan Wangji snorted. He had won the first battle and so was filled with false confidence that he would win once more. If only he knew he'd already lost. Similarly to Wei Wuxian who didn't hesitate when making his decision between the two, Lan Xichen's heart fully belonged to Jiang Wanyin.

"I-I..." The drunk man struggled to come up with a comeback. But simply sitting there stumbling over his words would be enough to make the Lan fall for him all over again.

"Why don't we ask him?" Wei Wuxian said from his husband's arms "Zewu-jun! What should Jiang Cheng do to win you over" he shouted loudly, still fully unaware of his volume. The two bickering men turned their heads and attention towards the man, whom neither of them had noticed before now. There were no right answers, this was a lose-lose situation.

"You're all pretty drunk, how about we end it for tonight?" Lan Xichen deflected. Wei Wuxian pouted, he was not satisfied by the Lan's response, but before his brother-in-law had a chance to put him in yet another sticky situation Lan Xichen spoke to his brother's heart "I'm sure you two are in a hurry to get home?"

"Mm" and with a small nod, Wei Wuxian was whisked away, leaving Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin as the only people left, effectively ending the party. Picking up empty jars from the floor, Lan Huan began to clean up. Besides the jars and some minor spills there wasn't much needed to be fixed this time around. But even as he finished up Jiang Wanyin had yet to make an effort to leave and so Lan Xichen went to sit down beside him.

"Sect leader Jiang, don't you think it's time for you to leave?" he asked.

"Do I have to go home?" he questioned, sounding like a toddler not wanting to go home after a playdate.

"Yes" There were no doubts about it, Jiang Wanyin needed to go home.

"But I don't want to go back" he said, throwing his arms around Lan Xichen. Sensing the danger Lan Huan quickly pulled away.

"How about I walk you home?" It was getting late and Jiang Wanyin was clearly in need of sleep. Standing up, Lan Xichen offered his hand to help him up.

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