Chapter 10: The Woman

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Following Wei Wuxian's example his husband and son were not far behind. Before they could even leave the sight of the people left behind they could hear Jiang Cheng yet again.

"Fuck off" Followed by the loud cracking of a whip. Lan Xichen's heart jumped. Jiang Wanyin had pulled out Zidian, this was serious. As though compelled by a higher power Lan Huan rushed after the three cultivators, his body acting on its own as though saving Jiang Wanyin was his one purpose in life. Nothing else mattered.

At the end of the tunnel was yet another massive cave, his fellow cultivator companions had yet to enter. They could all surely feel the emptiness surrounding their cores, it was better to observe first than to run head first into combat.

In the middle of the giant cave was a throne made out of wooden boxes where the woman he had previously heard speaking was sitting. Whatever she was, she was not human. Her skin was the color of metal, a shiny silver which reflected the green flames around her. In each of her six talon adorned hands was a leash, all of which were stretched far away from her. None of her pets wanted to be anywhere near her. With a playful smile she pulled at one of them, reeling the creature on the end of it closer to her. To his horror Lan Xichen listened as the creature sounded as though it was getting strangled as it struggled to stay away.

"Such a handsome face, too bad your manners are lacking. But don't worry, I'll teach you"


As the leash got shorter and shorter, the creature was soon in sight. It wasn't an animal at all. It was Jiang Cheng, with a collar around his neck. Having pulled him all the way to her side she stopped pulling at the leash, allowing him to catch his breath. What did Jiang Wanyin decide to do with his newly gained oxygen? Shout.

"Get away from me you freak!" Jiang Cheng swatted at her hand as she attempted to pick him up. She was far from a giant, but with her size she'd probably not have any difficulty lifting the man up. If he stopped fighting her that is.

"Your friends are here. So stop being bothersome and behave for your guests" She gave Jiang Cheng a bit more leeway as she tied his leash to the throne. But he was still very much stuck. "I apologize I wasn't able to meet you thieves by the entrance. This new toy is being difficult, but it will be tamed soon enough" she smirked, seemingly enjoying the challenge that sect leader Jiang posed. He glared at her, the same way a wild wolf would. There would be no taming him.

"Hello beautiful madam, I am sorry for accidentally taking some of your things. But could I please have my brother back, you wouldn't like him. Most people don't. I'm sure we could find you a much more entertaining pet." Wei Wuxian said as he bravely took a step out into the next room. Eying him up and down the woman had no problem showing her disinterest.

"If you're offering to take its place, it's a no. I'm only interested in looks, and yours... I'm sure you don't need me to tell you"

cling cling cling

Jiang Wanyin bit his lower lip to stop himself from laughing. Tied up or not, hearing his brother get insulted was truly a delight. Especially if it was in relation to himself. Because right now, he was being praised as the superior out of the two.

But for whatever reason, Wei Wuxian did not retort. He just stood there in silence. Noticing his spouse's inaction Lan Wangji, who was far less appreciative of her comments than the Jiang, also stepped out into the cave wearing a deep frown on his face to show his discontentment.

"I suppose you're not as bad. But compared to this...?" she swept one of her talons through Jiang Wanyin's hair. Feeling the sharp object touch his scalp Jiang Wanyin was no longer entertained by her words, the smirk wiped off of his face he instead chose to glower at his captor once more. " deal."

Making his way through the tunnel there was a late arrival who did not like the upset look on Jiang Wanyin's face. No, that someone absolutely despised the way his uncle was being treated. Seeing red he rushed out to face off against the Jiang's captor.

"Uncle!" Jin Ling always tried to act as though he wasn't afraid of anything, so it wasn't much of a surprise that he would act tough. Lan Xichen could hear his reasoning echoing through his head 'Why should I be afraid? I'm the future sect leader Jin. If anything that freaky-looking lowlife giant should fear me'. Rushing towards her, bow in hand he nocked an arrow and shot it, aiming for the heart. But all this did was cause her to smile as the arrow bounced off her. It didn't even leave a scratch.

pling pling pling, seeing his nephew run out into her line of sight, Jiang Cheng was rightfully worried. Whatever she was, she would not be easy to defeat and running in without a plan would not lead to a good outcome.

"Now here we have something" Reaching out she was almost close enough to touch the young man when a man dressed in purple robes thrusted his body into her hand allowing for the Jin to escape before he could be captured. At the throat of the Jin's protector was a black collar which was attached to the hand by a leash.

"What the fuck are you doing? Stand back" he barked, but Jin Ling stood transfixed in his current spot. "MOVE!" his uncle shouted. At which point he did through pure fear, but not a fear of the woman. The oh-so familiar man in front of him turned and glared at the woman.

"Aawww, finally starting to like me? Were you getting jealous that I was paying attention to someone else? Don't worry, no matter what you'll always be my favorite" she smiled as he picked him up, having seemingly forgotten all about his nephew. Wanting to protect the Jin he didn't struggle as the sharp talons wrapped around him and lifted him up into the air. All so that she could bring him back to where she was previously sitting, placing the unimpressed Jiang in her lap as she sat down on her throne once more.

The thing of note was not the woman, nor the unhappy Jiang who's head she was stroking, but the creature by her feet. As there, next to her throne still on a tight leash stood sect leader Jiang.

There were two of them.

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