Chapter 13: Foolproof Method

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"So, what's the plan? How long until I get to leave?" The Jiang's were very similar, both wanting to get out as soon as possible.

"I assume you saw the first part?" Lan Xichen didn't know when the second Jiang had walked up to them, but he assumed he had spotted the second keystone. An assumption Jiang Wanyin confirmed with a nod. "The only part left is confirming that I truly know who the original is" Lan Xichen wasn't about to go on just a hunch, he needed to double check.

"You know who it is?" the Jiang looked at him with wide eyes, hope glimmering deep within them.

"Yes, but I will need your help to confirm it."

He had already checked the others, first the ones being examined by the others and then the one he had himself, none of them were the real Jiang. The only one which remained was the Jiang in front of him, who hadn't yet been examined. Lan Xichen already felt certain in his choice. He wanted to run out with Jiang Wanyin in his arms, but before then he wanted to make sure, really make sure and there was an easy way to do so.

"Hey everyone, I think I've figured out a foolproof method of finding him." He called out as his plan required everyone's attention.

cling cling cling. The bell rang, hopeful that its owner might soon be found.

They all turned to him, both his companions and their respective Jiang Wanyins, all wishful for a better solution than just standing around looking for flaws in the duplicates. So far none of them had any idea of which one might be the real one. Unlike Lan Xichen they hadn't been able to eliminate even a single one. Could they really be certain that their one was not the original?

Soon they would know. Turning back to his own Jiang he leaned in and whispered "Jiang Cheng, If I am wrong then I apologize." Before he pressed his lips against Wanyin's. The Lan's ears turning a bright shade of red from doing such an act in front of everyone, including the five other Jiang Chengs. Lan Xichen had many a time scolded his brother and brother-in-law for acting indecent in public, but this was different. He wasn't doing this just for his own personal enjoyment. This would confirm who was the real Jiang Cheng. The entire room went silent, except for the light ringing of the bell

cling cling cling

No change. Not a clang, or even a pling. Just the same hopeful cling-ing sound echoing throughout the place. But there was barely any time to pay attention to it as the Jiang wasn't acting the way Lan Xichen had expected. Just in case he had prepared himself for a potential attack from the Jiang, something along the lines of a shove, a punch, or perhaps even a bite. But the way the Jiang chose to attack took him by surprise. Within seconds his tongue had breached the Lan's mouth, frantically and passionately deepening the kiss, turning it into something much more than the Lan had planned.

cling cling cling

The bell kept Lan Huan's mind afloat as he was fighting to not drown. It would be so easy to give in to the Jiang's advances. Whether it was the real Jiang Cheng or not, it didn't change the way his lips felt pressed against his own. If it looked like Jiang Cheng, thought like Jiang Cheng, and even acted like Jiang Cheng. Was it not a kiss between the two of them? Lan Xichen was elated at the discovery that the one he loved reciprocated his feelings. But this meant that they could finish this later, preferably in private. Lan Xichen could wait. At least until the two of them got out of here.

Placing his hands firmly on the fake Jiang's chest, he pushed in an attempt to get him away. But when it came to raw strength, Jiang Cheng was the stronger out of the two. Not only did Lan Huan not manage to budge him, he was the one being pushed back. It didn't take long before he was pressed down against the floor, with both his hands captured by the man atop him. Sandwiched between the ice cold cave floor and the fiery heat of the Jiang Lan Xichen was given no other choice but to give in. If it could even be called that, he was anything but reluctant as he eagerly explored Jiang Cheng with the only method the Jiang hadn't restricted, his lips.

Putting his entire weight on him Jiang Wanyin's entire body was pressing down on him, Jiang Cheng's right hand fumbling down by his waist as his left still restrained the Lan's arms. Was he trying to undo his belt out of view of the others? Lan Xichen couldn't see the point. It wasn't like anything which would come after would be hidden from them anyway. Doing it out of sight was time consuming and slow. Not that it mattered, Lan Xichen greatly enjoyed the Jiang's frantic and playful tongue as both of them continued to kiss. He was plenty satisfied with the ongoing entertainment, there was no rush.

"NO!" Jiang Cheng was viciously pulled away from him. "Bad pet. I will not deal with puppies again. Do I need to get you spayed?" She let out an exasperated sigh as she dragged Jiang Cheng by the neck back to her side, sometime during that whole interaction she'd managed to get her hands on the leash again. Besides the Jiang, she had been the only one who had taken action when faced with Lan Xichen's sudden and unexpected act. The rest had been frozen in place, unable to do anything but watch.

But neither of them cared what the others might think. They were both preoccupied with staring deep into each other's eyes while taking short and hurried breaths, recovering from their previous lack of breath. But Lan Xichen's need for Jiang Cheng far outweighed his need for oxygen, his body not allowing him to stay around a second longer than necessary. Getting onto his feet he ran without stopping, letting the two keystones in his hand disintegrate as he passed through the barrier dividing the cave into two.

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