Chapter 5: Wei Wuxian's Visit

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"You broke rule 324!?" Neither of them had noticed as Wei Wuxian had barged into Hanshi without knocking. A habit he had quickly gained after marrying Lan Xichen's brother. Having looked over his brother's shoulder, the Wei had found the repeated line of Do not borrow another person's possessions without permission. A rule whose number he apparently knew by heart.

"That's strange, I thought I told him to write rule 23" Lan Xichen nonchalantly commented. The Jiang went bright red as rule 23 read as follows: Do not lie. He had been caught. Not wishing the Jiang further embarrassment, Lan Xichen then quickly changed the subject. "Lan Sizhui said that some of your things had disappeared?"

"Yeah, they just vanished into thin air. They were still there in the evening but when Lan Zhan woke up they were just gone. The strangest part of it was that it was only things we had gotten from the cave. Perhaps there was some new anti-theft measure on it?" That could be a possibility if it wasn't for the fact that Jiang Wanyin still had his bell. Something which sect leader Jiang mentioned. "How unfair! Why is it only my stuff that disappeared? Zewu-jun, console me" He stumbled towards his brother-in-law but was soon stopped by his less than impressed brother.

"I'm sure Lan Wangji would be more than happy to do that for you. We're busy so get lost." he said as he glared at Wei Wuxian.

"Really?" His brother-in-law raised an eyebrow towards him to which Lan Xichen responded with a nod. Smirking, Wei Wuxian said "Perfect, then you don't mind me returning here later tonight when you're not as busy right?"

"..." So this is why he had turned up. "No, I'm not going to let you two get drunk in my house. You can't just bring Lan Zhan and booze and call it a party."

"So-oo if I bring more people it's okay?" As if he knew the Lan's weakness he turned his attention back to his brother and asked in a sweet tone "I'm sure Jiang Cheng wouldn't mind joining in too, right?"

"I suppose I could be convinced... Just get off of me" He shrugged off his brother's arms which were wrapped around him. Having gotten his way, Wei Wuxian was happy to oblige and looked expectantly at his brother-in-law who had yet to grant his wish.

If sober Jiang Cheng was strong, powerful, and sexy then the drunk one was cute, adorable, and heartbreakingly lovable. A sight which Lan Xichen could never pass up. Especially not since it wasn't all that common for the Jiang to drink around him anymore. The amount of opportunities he had to watch the drunk Jiang Wanyin had lessened significantly over the years. Do people always drink less with age? Living with people who never drank made him unsure. The juniors sometimes snuck off to drink in secret, but he had never seen any of his seniors drink.

But whether this was a case of his elders staying away from alcohol completely or if they simply got better at hiding it, he did not know. Either way he accepted Wei Wuxian's request to host the party, on the condition that the Wei was responsible for the preparations.

"Don't worry about it. I've already got it covered" he said, undoing his robes. Suddenly everything went black as what he could only assume was a hand covered his vision. And judging by the direction it came from, it was sect leader Jiang's hand. "Aaww, my brother being protective of Zewu-jun's virgin eyes?" Wei Wuxian mocked his brother. "No need to worry, I'm just unloading some things"

But the hand remained, not minding the Jiang's touch Zewu-jun remained blind and could only guess what his brother-in-law was doing. From the high pitched clinging sounds which could be heard he assumed it was some form of ceramic bottles or jars. Alcohol. Wei Wuxian wasn't even pretending that he cared about the Lan's permission anymore. He'd brought along the preparations before even asking.

"That's all for now, I'll be back in a bit with the rest" The front door of Hanshi closed with a slam as the Wei ran off in the opposite direction of Jingshi. Probably to wherever he had hidden the contraband from Lan Qiren's watchful eyes. It was because of this reason that he could not have the party at his husband's place. It was heavily monitored and the Lans' uncle was more than happy to make an unannounced inspection from time to time. Seeing that his brother had left, Jiang Cheng slowly removed his hand from the Lan's face.

"You know, brother-in-law has been living here for quite a while. I've gotten used to his antics" There had not been a need for the Jiang to shield his eyes.

"He's a cutsleeve"

clang clang clang. He dearly hoped that the Jiang's anger was directed towards his brother and the inappropriate actions he had just done, not against the 'liking men' part.

"A married cutsleeve" Lan Xichen reminded him. A fact which no one had ever needed to be reminded of before. That was something the couple had made very clear. No matter how serious the situation, or how public the place, they always somehow managed to flirt, or touch, or kiss. Making everyone in the vicinity sick by their sugary sweetness.

"That doesn't change the fact that he should show more respect for his brother-in-law" Jiang Cheng pouted.

"For as shameless as he is, at least he doesn't lie to me" In an instant the Jiang went from being annoyed to blushing as he was reminded of the fact that Lan Xichen had known all along.

"I-I..." The abashed man struggled to come up with a good explanation for his actions. One which preferably didn't incriminate his own kin.

"Don't worry. Your nephew isn't in trouble" The Jiang's shoulders relaxed at the Lan's words. "If anyone's nephew should be punished it's mine. Apparently Sizhui lent out his keystone to young master Jin, he didn't steal it"


"I suppose sect leader Jiang will need the same advice as my nephew. If you're ever in trouble in the future, come talk to me about it. I won't bite." Unless you want me to.

"You might not, but Jiang Cheng certainly would. Better watch out" Wei Wuxian had returned.

clang clang clang

Lan Xichen hadn't needed the bell to tell him that Jiang Wanyin was upset at his brother. But Wei Wuxian didn't seem to care in the slightest, instead choosing to unbuckle his belt to unload yet another batch of party supplies. Lan Huan turned his head to face a wall. If Jiang Wanyin didn't want him to see, then he wouldn't.

"I've also heard from the Yao sect. Nothing much to report. Except apparently the corpses we slew just up and vanished, just like the other things I found in that cave."

"So, do you want to go check it out?" Lan Xichen asked.

"What is there to look at? It's gone and the cave likely won't be any less empty. I can ask someone from the Yao sect to take a look if you want."

"No, it's fine"

"Alright, I have some more things to do before tonight, see you two later" The door could be heard closing behind him as he hurried off once more.

"I think I should get going as well. There are plenty of things I need to get in order for tomorrow's departure" As Jiang Wanyin stood up, the bell at his hip let out a few sad rings. Both of them had realized that their previous excuse for having sect leader Jiang stay in Gusu was no more.

It was obvious that the Jiang enjoyed his company. But to read into it further than that was probably just wishful thinking. He had shown no interest beyond wanting to be friends. But befriending him was a step in the right direction even if nothing else came from it. Lan Xichen really liked the Jiang's company. When he was with sect leader Jiang he felt safe, not just from physical danger, but from awkward situations as well. No one dared to treat him with any disrespect when sect leader Jiang was present. Because unlike himself, who wouldn't want to hurt the feelings of the person he was talking to, Jiang Wanyin had no such restrictions. He would gladly glare, disrespect, and even openly insult the people who approached him in bad faith. As such, people didn't even attempt to do so anymore and when they were together, that protection would extend to sect leader Lan as well.

"See you tonight" sect leader Lan called out as the violet robed man left Hanshi.

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