Chapter 10 - Insight and Rescue Plan

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They get up from the ground, Rose brushing off some pine needles. "I always hate doing that."

"Come on," Steve says, and begin to run towards the nearby road. The two look both ways spotting three trucks coming their way. The first two pass by, allowing Rose and Steve to run behind the third. They jump in the back, turning to look at their surroundings but are met with two men in black and silver.

"Gentleman," Rose greets, lunging forward and knocking her fist against one man. She knees his stomach, hauling him over her shoulder and out of the truck while Steve does the same with the other man. Silently sitting in the back of the truck, Steve looks to Rose.

"We have time, please explain how you know Hydra?" Steve pleads.

"I'll tell you the short version," Rose sits down, with Steve across from her. "When I was five, a man came and killed my parents, I don't know why he did. The only thing I really remember most is his name, Werner Reinhardt. He took me for some reason, and exposed me to something he called terrigen crystals. I spent five years being experimented on and hurt by him. And when I believe I was 10 or 11, I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly took on another form. I remember breaking out and killing every soldier that tried to stop me. After escaping, I met Howard and he brought me to his house."

"And then you were adopted," Steve concludes. A moment of silence passes between the two, but Steve looks over to Rose, "thank you for telling me that."

"You're welcome," Rose says, "tell anyone and I'll have to stab you with an icicle."

"I won't, I promise."

The truck slows down, and begins backing up which grabs Steve and Rose's attention. Steve moves over to the trunk, propping his shield up. Just outside of the truck, a Hydra soldier moves the tarp, looking at the shield confused. Steve jerks it forward, knocking the soldier out. Jumping out of the truck, Steve and Rose quietly make their way into the factory.


Schmidt and Zola walk around, the taller man examining all the work that is taking place. "As you can see, production and the work here is progressing on schedule. Even with components of this size."

Schmidt nods, looking down at Zola, "increase the output by sixty percent. And speak with the other facilities, to do the same."

"But these prisoners," Zola objects, "I'm not sure they have the strength."

"Then use up what strength that is left," Schmidt says, "there are always more workers." Schmidt walks away, leaving Zola alone, the short man contemplating some things.

A worker walks up to him with a clipboard and pen, but Zola snaps, "not now."


Men from different armies walk around, moving into cells. One man stops right in the doorway of a cell, prompting a Hydra soldier to knock off his hat. Chuckling, the man turns to the soldier, "you know ace. One of these days I'm gonna have a stick of my own." The soldier only pushes the man into the cell, closing and locking the door.


Walking through a hallway, Rose and Steve stop at the door, peering through the window. A few steps away is a soldier, prompting Steve to knock on the door. Snapping his attention to the door, the man moves over to the door, opening it a crack only to have his head bashed between the door and wall.

Opening the door fully, Steve drags the man's body into the hallway allowing Rose to sneak through. Steve follows her, closing the door and sneaking around the glowing blue power units.

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