Long Nights ~ Chapter 8

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Pushing as hard as she can Kennedy was able to push the man off having him stumble back a few steps.

" I don't know what you are talking about," She stated crossing her arms and looking up at the man for the first time.

"You know exactly what I am talking about! All those people dying, no body knows what the hell is going on. Then here you come prancing up to this random drunk in the middle of the street and he winds up dead?!? You know I had a weird feeling about you but I didn't think it was this bad." The man ranted as his arms moved in several different motions as he tries to convey his emotions.

"Ok first of all it is not like I wanted to kill the dude, if you were there you would have seen what happened, and second of all who are you to tell me off?! I don't even know you!" She yelled getting in his face ready to push him again, yet failing when his large hands grab her wrists before she is able to do so.

"You better watch yourself before I do something that I know I will regret." His voice lowering to just above a whisper making him seem a lot more intimidating.

"Fuck off." Kennedy said as she turned away from him and started to walk down the street again. She knew he was the guy that she ran into at the park with max, but she didn't even know him.Her anger boiled over her as she thought of the way his tall stature towered over her, his large hand cuffing her wrists as he yelled at her. His once bright green eyes were dark. Everything about him made her angry yet she couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated by him.

She was surprised that he didn't come chasing after her when she stormed off down the street, but none the less relieved seeing as it was late at night and she didn't have the strength to have an argument with a stranger right now. A sigh of relief flew from her mouth as she stepped into the warm lobby of her apartment building, and slowly made her way to the stair case. Kennedy never liked to take the elevator due to the small space, plus being stuck in a tiny room with a bunch of strangers.....no thank you.

After finally making it up the long flight of stairs she made it to her floor. Walking down the hallway she took notice in the cheap red carpet and the old creaky wood doors that look like they have had better days. The thought of the manager fixing these small problems crossed her mind, but it soon left as she remembered that the manager was a middle aged man with greasy black hair and looks like he ate his wife and kids. Shuddering at the thoughts in her head she finally made it to the door of her apartment. Slowly the door quietly opened in hopes of not waking her sleeping roommate. Those thoughts were quickly erased as Max was perched on the couch with a bowl of cereal in his hands and his eyes glued to the TV which was playing the news.

"Oh thank goodness you are ok, I went into your room to see if you were awake and you weren't there, so I thought I would sit out here and wait for you to come back from wherever you went. And well I got bored so I turned on the TV and the news was on and they were talking about how this guy was found dead a street down from us and the police are there and everything. I got scared because I knew you were out there somewhere and I thought that you were in trouble or something, then you came in-"

"I'm fine." Kennedy cut max's rant off as she walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, Max following shortly behind.

"Well I am glad you are ok just please be careful it can be crazy out there," Max stated while putting his now empty bowl of cereal in the sink and turning to her giving her a worried yet all knowing expression.

"I will be careful I promise," her words easing her worrisome roommate .

"Alright well I am going to go back to bed and I suggest that you actually take your medication so that you can do the same." He stated kissing her on the forehead and making his way back to his room.

Sighing Kennedy trudged her way to the bathroom and opened up the medicine cabinet. Taking out the small prescription bottle, her doctor prescribed her in hopes of 'making her sleep better', she opens the top allowing two small oval shaped pink pills fall into the palm of her hand. Of course she had forgotten to take them again, she had always had a bad habit of doing that. Downing the pills and the water she made her way out of the bathroom and back into her room, where she strips out of her clothes not bothering to dress again. Climbing into bed she found herself yet again staring at the small lines of light on the wall from outside, waiting for sleep to finally come to her.

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