Meanwhile~ Chapter 9

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Watching the strange girl stomp away Harry knew that it would be best to let her go and not pursue her. After seeing what had went down between the girl and the sad drunk in the middle of the street, he couldn't help but wonder what other secrets that strange and indifferent girl held. He knew that he should have minded his own business, but he couldn't just let her walk away. It was, in his words, an impulse to chase after her. He didn't know what he was doing until he was there and had the girl pushed up against the wall.

After the whole incident he sat there for a good five minutes just replaying the whole scenario in his head. Not knowing he had spaced out, he nearly jumped out of his skin when the force of a hand had come down on his shoulder.

"Are you ok son?" He had heard as he turned his body to face the slightly chunky police officer that was among the few that had shown up to the scene."We had word from a woman that was in the cafe across the street that she saw you witness what had happened here. Would you mind talking to us for a little bit?" The officer asked.

"Uh..yeah" Harry had mumbled as he followed the police officer and shook a hand through his hair in nervousness.

"Well let me start by asking you what you were doing out here at this time in the night," the officer had asked Harry while they both sat leaning against the police car whose bright lights were now turned off.

" I had just come out to get some fresh air, I was having a hard time sleeping and was hoping this would work." Harry had stated with his shoulders slumped and a slightly displeased look on his face.

"How far do you live from here. You couldn't have been walking for that long is that correct?" The officer, who Harry had now learned his name, looked back at the lengthy male as though he did not believe a word Harry had stated a moment ago.

"I have been out here for a decent half of an hour. I only live about two blocks from here."

"Alright listen kid," the officer stated," we both know you were out here, doing who knows what, but if you want to be out of here just as much as I do then you best be explaining what had happened here."

"And I told you," Harry had stated with a more authoritative demeanor as he stood up straight, no longer leaning against the car." I was having trouble sleeping and decided to come out here and walk around. I just happened to be here at the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't see what happened, I don't know what happened. So if you will excuse me I'll be making my way back to my apartment."

And with that he walked away from the police officer and made his way back to his apartment, carrying with him the aura of authority and slight mystery, making those who walk past him wonder who he was and what importance he had in society. The ongoing looks were brushed off of his shoulders as ignored the questioning looks and pushed past the crowd that had started to form around the scene.

He couldn't help but wonder if the girl had heard the news yet. Where she was, and what she was doing. Did she make it home? He hoped that she was home again in a warm apartment, meanwhile he walked the streets wondering how he had gotten himself into such a mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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