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Skipping free scaldy love the twins but it's a bottle episode and even httyd can't make those interesting to write

Berk is currently suffering through its worst freeze in history. Right now, the teens and their dragons are huddled up in a pen inside the Academy, where Hiccup is giving a lesson.

Ari is resting his himself against Sora who has his tail over Ari's lap and he's glowing with a warm aura too keep Ari nice and toasty

Ari: Thanks Sora

The dragon growls but it sounds almost like a happy purr

Hiccup: So, as you can see by the chart, proper wing control can be achieved by--

Suddenly, a ball of fire hits the stone board, right where Hiccup was a few seconds ago. Hiccup is now clearly irritated.

Hiccup: Okay, okay, who shot that fireball?

He goes into "scolding teacher mode" and stares directly at Snotlout, who is "innocently" whistling, as if he didn't do it, even though it's obvious he did.

Snotlout: Why are you looking at me?

Ari: because no-one else does this

Hiccup: Come on, guys, I don't want to be here any more than you do. Can we just get back to training, please?

Snotlout: I say we play Twenty Questions instead. Anyone? Anyone? Astrid, why do you love me so much?

Astrid gags.

Ari throws a knife right passed snotlout's head

Ari: will you just shut up for once

Tuffnut: Me, me, me. Okay, I'll go first. Question number one...

Snotlout signals Hookfang to hit Tuffnut with his tail, shutting him up for about two seconds.

Tuffnut: Ow! Ow!  ...How do you play Twenty Questions?

Hiccup: Uh, can we try to stay focused? Even for a second?

Astrid: We've been stuck inside for a week straight because of this crazy weather. We're all starting to go a little nuts.

Fishlegs: Ooh, Mr. Pinky, don't tell the others, but you are my favorite.

Ruffnut: Barf and Belch just found out they have tails! And it looks like they really hate that idea.

Tuffnut: Yeah, I got the same way when I found out I had a tail. You can't hide from me forever, invisible tail! I'll get you!

As Tuff starts chasing his butt, Ruff walks over to Hiccup.

Ruffunut: I may have told Tuff that he has a tail, too.

Tuffnut: You can't hide from me for long!

Stoick: Odin's ghost, it's cold out there! Worst freeze in the history of Berk! My--My beard is frozen solid.

Ari: Oh hey dad

Hiccup: So, Father, what brings you to the Academy?

Stoick: Trader Johann hasn't reported to port. If he's trapped out in this storm, he won't last the night. I was think--

Hiccup is now practically bouncing on his feet, eager to leave the hole full of crazy that he's currently trapped in.

Hiccup: Oh, yes, I can go! You know, Toothless can help find Johann's ship in the darkness. He is the perfect dragon for the job.

Stoick: Ehh, I don't know...

Hiccup: Please, Dad. If you ever cared for me at all, the way a father cares for his son, then you will let me leave!

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