A Grim retreat

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On Dragon's Edge, Meatlug is creating Gronckle Iron, Hookfang is heating the iron sheet,and Barf/Belch are hammering the iron sheet into shape using both of their faces. Sora is heating up and then using his tail to smack it into shape

Fishlegs: All right, Meatlug, there we go. Good girl. Hey, you know what I just realized? This is a new record for Gronckle Iron production. 'Hugs Meatlug' Who's a good iron-making machine? Yes, you are.

Snotlout: Whatever. If it weren't for Hookfang, that would just be a glob of useless barfed-up metal.

Tuffnut: Well, if it weren't for Barf and Belch . . .

Shows Barf and Belch beating the processed Gronckle Iron sheet with their faces

Ruffnut: We rest our case.

Tuffnut: Uh-huh...

Ari: Uhh don't wanna burst your bubble you two but

They see Sora blasting and then smacking at high speed

Ari: heh well done sora

Time passes and the dragons and their riders are getting very tired. Hiccup on Toothless and Astrid on Stormfly arrive.

Fishlegs: Uh, Hiccup? I think Meatlug might be ready for a break. She's starting to lose her gag reflex.

Snotlout: Guess the perfect little machine isn't so perfect, after all.

Fishlegs: Have you checked your dragon? The giant oven doesn't look too perky, either.

Snotlout: Huh?

Hookfang snorts and collapses from weariness, accidentally shooting flames at Barf and Belch, who growls in response as they get upset. A fight breaks out amongst the dragons. Stormfly's spines trap Ruffnut and Tuffnut upside down on a tree limb.

Tuffnut: Uh, what?

Sora growls in annoyance being really tired

Ari: sorry sora

Sora just glares at the others and then at hiccup

Toothless roars in order to break the fight, but is misinterpreted by Hiccup.

Hiccup: Really? You too, bud? All right, that's it! Dragons, to your corners!

Tuffnut: Hey, Hiccup. Did you know that upside-down you actually have a metal arm instead of a metal leg?

Hiccup: What is going on around here?

Astrid: Hiccup, we've been working really hard on these reinforcement walls.

Ari: She's right everyone is just tired seriously Look at the dragons.

Snotlout: You know, Hookfang and I could really use a vacay.

Tuffnut: Vacation? Count us in. We'll grab our straw helmets and a chilling tale of Viking murder to read on some enchanted beach, laughing as the waves crash against us.

Hiccup: Guys, I get that you're all tired, but remember why we're doing this.

Snotlout: Oh, because you told us to.

Hiccup: No, because Viggo is out there. And when he finally realizes he can't use the Dragon Eye without the key, he's gonna come looking for it. We can't leave the Edge unguarded again.

Ruffnut: So, yay or nay on the vacay?

Ari: I think that's A nay ruff

Ruff: damn

Hiccup: Oh, gods...

Scene shifts to Hiccup's hut where he is drawing on a map. Astrid on Stormfly, Fishlegs on Meatlug and Ari on Sora land outside then go inside his hut.

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