Chapter 3 - Being a Tourist and, OMG, Those Glasses! 👓

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Again, I was up early. I had a feeling I would lose a lot of sleep while being in Toronto since my mind liked to not stop thinking of things, and that didn't just include Milo... Being a cameraperson wasn't a simple job. I had to film and know how to use the camera, yes, but I needed to go to meetings, go with the crew to look at the scenes and cut them or decide to add to them, and we would have to reshoot scene, even dance numbers. From all the work, I was surprised that I was losing sleep since this work was wearing me out.

But I loved every moment of it. The saying goes, "Do what you love and you won't have to work a day in your life." That was my life, and I was so thankful for it. I was a religious person, so I thanked God all the time for allowing me to get my job and know so many incredible, humble, kind and talented people.

Including Milo. Especially him. What a guy.

Today was my day off. We rotated the camera people so everyone could have an equal amount of days off, or according to what they asked for. I just asked for a couple days off a week, but I would work more if they wanted me to. It was the same for the other crew members and cast. Well, with the cast, some of them would go days without appearing, depending on what we were shooting. According to the schedule, a lot of the actors were training for the performances. An insane amount of work went into these movies.

"What am I going to do today?" I asked myself as I was getting ready, and I applied my mascara. "Well, thank goodness I wouldn't see Milo. I'm mortified to see him again."

Did he have a day off, too? Was he needed on the set? I honestly didn't know.

I finished getting ready and headed out the door. I would go find somewhere to eat breakfast—the suites had kitchen nooks, but I sometimes liked to go out and eat.

I about turned to the elevators, but I stopped and turned around and faced the other way. Milo's suite was three down from mine. Without thinking, I walked down to his suite door, and I stared at it for a moment. Was he up? Wait, what was I even doing? I about left, but I heard guitar playing coming from the other side... and singing.

"Wow..." I uttered as I listened. This was a song that I didn't know. It was beautiful.

"I'll always be standing here with you," he sang on the other side and played at the same time. I was somewhat mesmerized. "Whenever you need me."

My phone dinged, and I pulled it out of my back pocket to my skinny jeans. It was Micheala, who was just saying good morning and to have fun seeing Milo today. I rolled my eyes. She knew what happened last night.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you, sis, but I don't think I'll see him today."

I texted her, and while doing so, the suite door suddenly opened, and I dropped my phone from the surprise. I quickly bent down to get it, and when I came up, I was met with a collar bone. I looked up farther and saw Milo looking at me, amused. And he had on his glasses! Oh, goodness, cute nerd alert! He wasn't making my life easy with how adorable he was.

"Good morning," he said, smirking. My whole face heated.

"Um, good morning. Look, I wasn't being a creeping fan or anything..." Wasn't I? "I just heard singing and guitar playing coming from the inside. It was beautiful, so I listened for a minute. Sorry."

So much for not seeing him at all today. What happened last night was ever-present in my head.

"No need to be sorry, but I admit that I was surprised to see you standing right there."

I felt mortified. "Sorry again. Not sorry. Anyway, are you headed to the set today?"

He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets—he had on black jeans and a loose white tee. "No, actually. Today's a day off. It's hard to believe with this film schedule, but we've been busting our butts with everything lately."

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