Chapter 5 - Tale as Old as Time: A Sweet, Tender Waltz 💃🏻🕺🏻

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Milo came back after a couple minutes, and I watched him as he did so. He extended his hand to me. "Would you like to dance?"

Milo Manheim was asking me to dance! Jitters tickled me. "What are you up to?"

"You'll see."

He was giving me his cute smile. How the heck could I say no to a guy who was a talented dancer, singer, and was the main guy in my heart? And who was so hot.

I took his soft hand and he brought me up out of my seat, and we walked out to the dancefloor and stood there for a moment as the classical song playing stopped and another came up. I instantly recognized it. My eyes widened and mouth dropped open. "Milo! Oh my gosh!"

"Be my guest?" he asked and he held out his hand again.

"I... can't waltz."

"Just follow my lead."

Again, I couldn't say no. We took our stance, and we started dancing. Surprisingly, I could keep up, and the most loved song from that classic Disney movie played throughout the whole ballroom, and people waltzed to it.

"You are really something else, Milo Manheim," I said as we waltzed around, his hand on my waist, and one of mine as on his shoulder while the other was gripping his warm, strong hand. "You're recreating that scene. But I'm no Peyton Lee."

"You're doing great. You know, you said your life was a fairytale right now."

"And you took that literally. Wow... I'm kinda speechless, and that's odd for me."

He grinned and twirled around. He was so great at it, did it aimlessly. We didn't dance in an empty circle like he and Peyton did in the show, but with the rest of the people. I still felt...

"Milo?" I said as our gazes never left each other for the whole minute we had been dancing so far.


"I felt like a princess when I stepped out of the car earlier, and now... I feel even more so. Although, I can't be Belle."'

"Sure, you can. Belle means beautiful, doesn't it? And you're wearing a beautiful dress."

I smiled as I felt myself blush. "Thanks."

We waltz some more in the people, and I surprisingly could do so in my heels, and I loved that they elevated me closer to his face. Milo said as the Disney song piece played on, "I'm glad you feel like a princess. Every girl should feel like that at least once in her life. My mom told me to do that for a girl—make her feel like a princess—and... I guess I'm doing it. For you. Since you're special to me."

"Even though you met me last week?"

"You were special to me the second after we met."

My heart wanted to melt. Awww... "That's so sweet, Milo. If we weren't dancing right now, I would hug you."

His hand on my waist brought me closer to him, so we came inches from each other's face. He said in a low tone as the music played, "Raincheck?"

All I could do was nod, lost for words since I was lost in him. He was so suave, so charming, so sexy...

He dipped me as the song was coming to an end, and our faces came close again. We stared at each other for a moment, then he brought me back up, and I gripped his upper arms. His head was leaned down as he had my waist.

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