Chapter 11 - The Final Chapter, But It's a New Beginning 👩‍❤️‍👨

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"Great, now do that one more time!"

My actors did what they were told, and the movie I was directed in a studio in LA was in the works and almost complete. A good year passed since Zombies 3, and people loved it. We received glowing reviews and a great revenue off of the soundtrack. People all over the world were buying the CDs and watching the movies on Disney +.

It was still hard to believe that I directing now, something that I wanted to do since I was young. I couldn't be happier at the moment. Well, almost. I hadn't seen Milo in person since the Toronto Airport. We both were just so busy, it was nuts.

"That's a wrap for today, everyone!" I shouted. "You all did great!"

The cast and crew to this romance thriller lingered around as I rewatched the last scene with one of my cameramen, a scene where the main lady convinces the main male lead that there was more to him than the monster. It reminded me so much of Zombies. That was why I agreed to this script.

"Okay, that's perfect," I said. "We'll us it."

"Hey, Maeve, there's someone here to see you outside the side entrance," said Danny, a member of the set production team. My heat jumped.


"I just told, rather politely, I might add, to just tell you that someone's waiting for you."

Danny left, and I stared after him. What the heck? Well, I had to see what this was about. I hoped that it was the person I longed to hug and kiss and see in person with my own eyes again. I ran to the entrance and went out into the alleyway between buildings in this compound. It was more like a road going through the complex. I looked around but saw no one.

"He said the side entrance. The other one?"

I about turned, but I heard my name: "Maeve!"

That wasn't a male voice. I turned and saw Michaela running up to me, and she bombarded me in a hug, and I instantly smelled her strong perfume. "What the heck, Michaela!" I hugged her back. "It's great to see you! How was your trip?"

"Wonderful. It was so romantic. Adam and I haven't had a vacation like that since our honeymoon."

"I'm so happy for you." We came out of the hug. "No offense, but when Danny came and told me that someone was waiting for me, I hoped it was Milo."

She didn't give me a sympathetic look like I thought she would. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but... actually, I wouldn't be disappointed at all."

"What do you mean?"

She stepped out of the way. "Someone caught sight of me and followed me here."

He came out from the corner of the building, and even though he was about fifty feet away, I knew exactly who he was-tall, dark hair and glasses. I instantly screamed, as did he, and we both ran to each other and bombarded each other with a hug, and we held each other so tight, it hurt.

"Oh Lord above, Milo!" I gushed. "What the heck?!"

"I couldn't take it anymore," he said into my orange hair. "I bought a plane ticket this morning, and here I am."

"You didn't text me or anything."

"I know. I was on the plane before I realized what I was doing. I just had to hold you again. A year's been way too long to go without holding you."

"I think the same. Let me look at you in person." We loosened our hold on each other, and I looked up at his face, at the loving look there. I put my hand on his cheek. "It's so wonderful to see your face in person."

"I great to see your beautiful face in person, too. I love you, Maeve. More than anything."

"I love you, more than anything."

We closed the distance, the first kiss in a year, and he came out in the intensity that I imagined it would since we built up the desire to kiss one another since the Toronto Airport. Hands ran through hair, a hand rode up a shirt, and teeth and tongues touched. I wanted this kiss to last a year, to make up for the year without kisses... a year without each other physically.

We unhooked and grinned, our noses touching and my on my tip-toes.

"Congrats on the movie you're directing," he said.

"You know all about it, though."

"I just wanted to tell you in person. Your dream came true."

"One of them did. You're the other one."

Hearing that made him lean in and kiss me again, with the same intensity. We both heard someone clear their throat, and we unhooked and looked over at Michaela. "Oh, sorry, don't let me interrupt you two. This is only the very first time that I've met a celebrity in person, and he happens to be making out with my sister."

"You've celebrities before," I refuted as Milo was getting a kick out of this.

"Not ones my sister is dating. C'mon, I'm taking the both of you to dinner. My treat."

She stared walking away in her skinny jeans, and I laughed. "Oh, boy... she's not going to stop and wait for us. Let's go."

We started walking, and after I texted my team to do the needed tasks at the end of the day, Milo wrapped his long arm around my shoulders, and I snuggled next to him.

"I missed your cologne."

"I've missed your perfume."

"I missed your everything."

"Can't beat that." He kissed the top of my head. "I love you."

"I love you, too. So... how'd you meet up with Michaela?"

"We literally almost ran into each other on the other side of the building. She pointed to me and was like, 'Hey!' She stared at me with huge blue eyes, and then she demanded, 'You better follow me if you want to see your sweetheart.'"

"She said that? That's so like her, to get right to it."

"Yeah. On the way, she asked me the usual questions like if you knew I was coming and so forth. She smacked my arm when I said that you didn't, but then she hugged me and told me that you would be over the moon."

I grinned, thinking that Milo got the very Micheala part of Michaela right off after meeting her in person and not video chat. "She was right, of course. So... how long are you staying?"

We stopped for a moment, and we were near the cars. He looked down at me through his adorable glasses and said with the most loving look, "However long you want me to."

"You'll never leave, then."

"You know I'm done with school."

We stared at each other, and I squealed with glee as my arms went around his neck, and he picked me up and kissed me. I would have him here with me for the foreseeable future, and he would be able to see my movie come to life.

Hey, great idea alert! He most definitely would be an extr in it.

"Hey, lovebirds! Let's go!"

Milo and I came out of our hug and kiss, and I rode with Milo as he followed Michaela. He took my hand as he had the other on the wheel, and we smiled at each other for a second before he put his gaze back on the road.

We had no idea how long we would last, but I hoped it was a long time. People loved us, anyway. Maelo. M&M. Maeve and Milo. A girl and an actor.


Thanks for reading!!

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