Chapter 12: I Lose Her, Literally

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A/N: This will be told from Molly's POV. I'm not sure if I'll do another one with her as the main atm. This is also a Donolly fanfic, though I will not be including anything too explicit. Speaking of Donolly, I have a new RP account on ig, sally_donovan. It's for a group of rpers, and you can join us if you like! ~Kate

I pulled on my dress, a light rose satin with a simple cut. I studied myself in the mirror. I alright, I decided. Just then, Sally came into the room. She was stunning, as usual, in a deep green, draping dress that reminded me of the sort of thing ancient Roman women wore. Her brown skin shown, and her curly black hair fell wildly about her face. I only wished I could be as beautiful.

"You look wonderful," Sally said, coming closer to study me in the mirror. "But you know what you need?" She held out a barette. The clasps were beautifully wrought silver, and it was adorned with delicate pink diamonds, varying in shades. It would match my dress perfectly, but...

"I can't take this!" I gasped.

"Why not? I had my father make it for you," Sally said. Her parents were well-known jewelers in the wizarding world. I loved everything they made, but I could never afford even the smallest brooch. My own family was large and happy, but rather poor when compared to most students at Hogwarts. There were some very poor muggle-borns, but they hardly counted, since they never had the oppurtunity to obtain a galleon anyway. Sally realized what was wrong and sighed. "It's a gift, Molly. Don't think about the money, alright?" I nodded, and let her put up my hair with it. She put it in the back, at the nape of my neck, so it held all my light brown hair in a sort of swirl on the back of my head. I smiled a bit at my reflection. I suppose I did look a little wonderful. Sally grinned, happy that I liked it, and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"See you at the ball. I have to go make sure Anderson is wearing his dress robes properly." I watched her go. Anderson was her adoptive younger brother. He was a little annoying and overly sure of himself, but at least he was obedient - /if/ you remembered to tell him what to do. If you didn't, it was scary what he was capable of getting himself into.

An hour later, Sally and I were at the ball. I spotted Sherlock and John, and dragged her over to chat with them. While she and Sherlock stared each other down with distaste, I turned to John.

"So how are you and Sherlock?" I asked.

"Pretty good. We plan on moving in together after eighth year, actually. We've our eye set on a little apartment in Diagon Alley. The landlady is keeping it for us."

"That sounds wonderful!"

"As long as there's an extra room for him to do his experiments in, I'm happy." John grimaced. "I had to tear him away from a disembodied head a few minutes ago just to get him down here."

"I always wonder what job Sherlock will get when he graduates."

"No one would hire him! He doesn't like people, is terrible at teamwork, and finds almost everything 'dull.' He would have to make up a new job, or change his entire personality!" We laughed and turned to look at Sherlock. Surprisingly, he and Sally were whispering to each other, looking across the room.

"Look at you! Thick as thieves, with your heads together. What's wrong?" I asked. It was a breath of fresh air to see those two doing something other than bickering. Sally nodded in the direction of Sherlock's firm stare. He was in 'deducing' mode, I could tell.

"Look over there. Greg and Anthea," Sally said. At the other end of the hall were the pair, holding hands and giggling like newlyweds. "When did that happen?"

"Last week, I think," John said. "They say Greg confessed his seven year crush on her, and they hit it off immediately."

"You're up on the gossip, aren't you?" Sherlock raised an eyebrow at John, who blushed. Then he returned his gaze to the couple. "Seven-year crush? Since when? Greg /obviously/ has feelings for my dear brother, and no one else." I think I heard Sally and John mutter 'obviously' under their breath.

"So why is Greg lying? He could have just confessed to Mycroft, couldn't he have? Or just asked Anthea out without tagging on the 'seven year' thing." Now John was joining in on the deducing. He was actually quite good.

"Why don't we go over and you know, /collect information,/" I suggested eagerly. Sherlock seemed about to say something along the lines of 'How idiotic, don't be ridiculous,' but he changed his mind just before he spoke.

"Why not," he said, smiling. I was too excited about helping him to notice how strange it was that he had smiled at me. I skipped off to Greg and Anthea, a warily hesitant Sally following.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully. The couple turned, and when they saw me, they greeted me just as warmly.

"Hey, Molly, Sally." Greg flipped his long brown hair out of his face. He was dashing in his new dress robes, and I could tell he knew it. He was putting on a show for his date, trying to impress her. I was surprised Anthea was attending the Yule Ball with Greg. He wasn't bad, but Anthea usually had very high standards. They said it was true love, but if it was, why was Greg working so hard to impress her?

Suddenly, Sally pulled hard on my sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Sally nodded toward where Sherlock and John were. Or rather, used to be. "Where'd they go?" Greg and Anthea were looking from her to me in confusion. With polite smiles, we rushed out of the hall and into the corridor.

"Did they seriously go off to investigate on their own?" I asked.

"I should have known. Sherlock smiled, and when Sherlock smiles, you know something is up," Sally replied, sighing.

"Well, let's find them! It'll be more fun than the ball, anyway." Sally shrugged.

"Hm, why not." We walked down the corridor at a trot, unsure where our gaytectives had gone, but very determined to find them and give them a severe talking-to.

About ten minutes later, on the second floor, Sally called over to me in a whisper.

"Molly," she said, "I don't think they left to do any deducing." I peeked in at the crack in the door, and met /quite/ the sexual sight... Sally had to pull me away before I got too into it.

"Let me get one more peek," I insisted. I had quite the weakness for gay porn, I'm a little embarrassed to say. Sally let me, a little begrudgingly; but then, as my girlfriend, she was used to this. I moved a bit to the side and glanced in again. Two eighteen year old were on the classroom floot, but there was another figure in the room.

One that shouldn't have been there.

I tapped Sally urgently on the shoulder and she removed her hands from her ears (something she had done to try to suppress the moans coming from the classroom) and peeked in, as well. I nodded up at the figure, which was suspended in the upper corner of the room. It was nothing but a shadow, but if you looked closely, you could make out a body's silhouette.

"Invisbility cloak," Sally hissed.

"Wait, like Harry Potter's?"

"No, not as good. That was a genuine one. This one leaves a little residue," Sally answered. "But what is that person doing there?" She squinted at the silhouette, then gasped.

"Molly! The little fucker is taking a picture of the whole thing!" Suddenly, she charged into the classroom, almost scaring the three people to death. Sherlock and John froze mid-thrust, and the 'little fucker' came falling from the ceiling to the floor as the upset caused the suspension charm to break. Sally tore off the invisiblity cloak and everyone collectively gasped.

"Sebastian?!" she cried. Sebastian Moran was a fellow Slytherin, and a fifth year. What was he doing there? She reached out to grab him just as he reached for his wand. I realized what he was about to do, but too late.

With one loud bang, both the spy and my girlfriend were gone.

The School and the Sociopath {Revised Edition} ~teen!potter!lock~Where stories live. Discover now