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"Yotu"  he heard his name calling from afar.Yotu turned to see who was calling his name but when he turned he saw something more horrifying than he could have imagined.
"I warned you kid but you-" he smirks and breaths half sentence he continues again"but you you don't listen do you" the tip of the gun digging into yotu's skull "you're just like your mom"Yotu froze when he heard those words 'you're just like your mom' yotu felt his hands turn into ice and his knees were ready to crumple as he saw the gun pointed at him."You were the o-ne" yotu couldn't keep up with him.He Felt himself drowning into thin air "you were the one who-who killed her" his voice cracking."why didn't i listen to all of them" yotu murmured under his breath.The memory of his mom and him playing before his eyes as if it was some kind if movie.Yotu watched the memory play out before him and before he knew it, he was crying his eyes out. His mom's smile, the warmth in her eyes, the feel of her hugs, seeing her laugh, hearing her laugh

He missed it, oh how he missed her. He wanted her back he wished upon everything but unfortunately it wasn't possible and it broke him. No child should ever see his parents die infront of him, he should have done something...anything but..he didn't.He crashed down his knees getting jelly.."kill me" said yotu "just like you killed my parents just like you ruined my childhood my everything"Yotu wanted to end his pain and misery, he wanted to reunite with his parents but he knew that even death couldn't help him.
He felt like his entire childhood was destroyed by that man and he felt helpless, he couldn't do anything to help himself."no yotu" said anna stepping in view "no please" tears running down her face.Yotu turned his head and saw Anna standing there. He froze completely as he saw the tears rolling down her cheeks.

He felt his heart skip a beat before looking at her completely.

"Aww what a cute little gurl" the man said tightening his grip around the gun.Yotu looked at the man with pure hatred before looking back at Anna with tears in his eyes, he felt weak at that moment but he forced his legs to move and walked towards Keeping his hands in the air, looking in the man's eyes.
"anna go! Please for mom and dads sake for my sake please i beg you" said yotu
Anna tried to speak, she couldn't understand what was happening. She wanted to help him but she was so scared.

"I can't, I can't leave you" Anna took a step forward before stopping as they both heard a gun being cocked.

She knew what to do now.

"Anna run!" Yotu yelled at the top of his lungs before turning to face the man.The gun still pointing at his skull. "You think you can do this to me?"yotu said scoffing.yotu walked towards the guy grabbed the gun and bought it to his forehead."try me.."yotu shouts he looks at the man and smirks.
A sharp sudden bang in the air following a thudding sound was heard along with Anna's screams...

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