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Yotu and Anna sat at the table for breakfast, surrounded by the usual sounds of the morning routine. The aroma of eggs and bacon wafted through the air, mingling with the scent of fresh coffee. Yotu's thoughts turned to his parents, a topic he often pondered, but one that was rarely discussed. He felt a deep sense of loss and longing for their presence, yet knew that asking about it would only ignite tension and discomfort. He looked over at Anna, who seemed similarly lost in thought.
Yotu hesitated before speaking up. He was about to bring up a topic that was taboo in the house, but he knew he could no longer keep the question inside his mind. With a deep breath, he turned to his uncle.
"Uhmm uncle... there's something I want to talk about," he said.
His uncle looked up from his newspaper with a sense of curiosity, although there was also a hint of anxiety in his eyes. He knew what was coming.
Yotu's uncle and aunt had made it clear that they wanted Yotu to leave the past behind and move forward in life. The room where his parents had lived was off-limits and he had learned not to enter it. Despite this, Yotu desperately wanted to go back to the room and try to make sense of the memories he had of his parents.
"Can I go to our parents' room to um..." he started, but his uncle interrupted him.
"Yotu. No, you cannot go." His uncle's tone was firm and final.
His aunt, Maria was determined to prevent Yotu from entering the room, fearing that it would lead him down a path of anguish and distress. Although Yotu was pleading with his uncle to allow him access, she was determined to keep the room off-limits.
"Yotu, I know how much you want to explore the room, but you must move on with your life," Maria said firmly. "The past is in the past, and it is better to focus on the present and the future. Your studies are important to us, and we want you to succeed. Please respect our wishes."
Anna was quick to intervene when she sensed that Yotu was about to respond to their aunt's request. She knew how much her brother cared about the topic and was determined to avoid further tension or conflict.
"It's fine aunt, we understand," she said, placing her hand on Yotu's shoulder to comfort him. She knew this was a difficult subject, but she wanted to reassure their aunt that they had accepted her decision.Yotu was frustrated that Anna had accepted their aunt's decision to keep the room off-limits. They had always been close, and he relied on his sister for support and encouragement. He wasn't ready to let go of the idea of exploring the room, but he knew Anna was doing her best to mediate between him and their aunt.
"Hey but urgh," Yotu whispered back to Anna. "Anna please, I'm getting you in there just wait for the perfect time? Please?" That was all Yotu needed. He knew that Anna was committed to helping him gain access to his parent's room, and the smirk on her face strengthened his resolve. He was determined to find the perfect opportunity for his plan to unfold. In the meantime, he would keep his focus on his studies and his aunt's wishes, waiting patiently for the perfect moment.
"How about tonight mr.curious," Anna replied to Yotu, her smirk turning into a mischievous grin. She knew her brother was eager to enter the forbidden room and explore its secrets, and she was just as determined to find the perfect opportunity for him to do so.
Anna's plan was to wait until nightfall and sneak Yotu into the room when no one was around. The darkness of the night would provide the invisibility they needed to gain access to the room without detection.
With a plan in place, Yotu and Anna eagerly waited for the night to fall, ready to begin their mission.
--------------AT NIGHT--------------
Yotu walked cautiously down the long hallway. His heart was racing with anxiety, his whole body tense with dread. He knew that finding the answer to the mystery of his parent's disappearance depended on what secrets the room held. Yotu paused outside the door, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
This was it. The moment of truth. Either he would find what he was looking for, or his search would end with disappointment. Yotu reached for the doorknob and slowly turned it... He felt a sudden tap on his shoulder.. making yotu jump."Damn scaredy cat," Anna scoffed at Yotu, laughing at his frightened expression. She knew her brother could be a bit jumpy at times, and she found his reaction to be quite entertaining.
Yotu didn't find Anna's taunting funny at all. He was frustrated that their mission had been almost aborted because of her carelessness. He gave Anna a disapproving look, but he was glad that the danger had passed. With a sigh of relief, he turned his attention back to the business at hand.Yotu held a finger up to his lips, signaling for Anna to be quiet. They had been so close to getting caught, and they couldn't risk being detected again.
They carefully opened the door, taking in every detail of the room. It was a bit dark, so they took a moment to let their eye adjust before looking around.
And that's when they noticed it. A large painting hanging on the wall. Who was it a painting of? And what did it mean? Yotu and Anna exchanged glances, and they knew that they needed to get a closer look.
The echo of a man's voice came from outside the room.
"Who's there?" he called out.
Yotu and Anna exchanged another nervous look. They were sure they had been careful and gone unnoticed, but now their cover had been blown. They were trapped in the forbidden room.
What should they do? Should they try to hide and wait out the danger? Or should they make a run for it?
The siblings held their breaths, their hearts beating rapidly. They needed to make a quick decision.
Yotu and Anna ducked behind a large vase in the room. They could hear the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door, and the man was now speaking to himself.
"These freaking new servants don't they know master will be so furious to see all this," the man muttered. "Damn it, they were supposed to keep this place clean and organized."
The siblings held their breaths, waiting for the man to leave so they could continue their investigation. But the man didn't seem to be leaving just yet.

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