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Yotu and Anna peeked out from behind the vase and saw the man, who was now standing in front of the painting again. He knocked twice on the painting, causing it to open once more. Then he turned around and walked back out of the room, leaving the secret door wide open.
Yotu and Anna looked at each other, their hearts racing. The man had gone, leaving the hidden room accessible to them. Should they investigate the room? What did it have to do with their parents' murder?
Anna was curious as to why the man opened the door when he didn't seem to be expecting anyone in the room.
"Why did the man open the door? Does he know we're here?" Anna whispered to Yotu, her voice full of confusion and uncertainty.
Yotu considered the question for a moment. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but he had a hunch that it wasn't a coincidence. He had a strong feeling that the man knew the siblings were in the room and had opened the secret door for a reason. But what was that reason?
"Should we go inside?" Yotu asked his sister, unsure about the situation. He did not want to carelessly rush into the unknown situation, but his curiosity was getting the better of him. He wanted to know what was inside the mysterious room.
Anna nodded quietly, indicating that she was ready to move forward with the investigation. Yotu took a deep breath and stepped into the room, leading the way in the darkness. With each step, he could feel the anticipation and adrenalin pumping through his veins. He was getting closer and closer to unraveling the mystery of his parents' disappearance.
Yotu and Anna stepped carefully into the room, their eyes adjusted to the dark. The walls were made of a dark, red brick, and the lamps in the room gave off a warm golden light. The atmosphere was eerie, yet also had a subtle sense of calm.
Yotu took a moment to take in the surroundings, his senses tingling with the unknown. He felt a sense of mystery and wonder, yet also a lingering feeling of unease. The room was clearly old, but it also had a sense of life to it.
Anna was cautiously observing the room, her eyes scanning the red brick walls as she followed Yotu's lead. She knew that there was the chance that any clue, any small indication of their parent's disappearance, could be hidden in this room. She was determined to find it.
As she stepped forward, she slowly and carefully traced the outline of the bricks with her fingers. She was hopeful that there would be a clue, something that could help them solve the mystery. Anna's pale skin looked more paler and her light brown eyes glowing in the golden passageway.
Yotu was carefully taking in the surroundings, his senses on high alert as he took in every detail of the room. He took note of the red brick walls, and he noticed that one brick was strangely larger than the others. He reached out a hand to touch it. There was something unusual about this particular brick.
Yotu was so engaged in the investigation that he momentarily forgot about their surroundings. He turned to Anna, who was still looking at the brick, a look of determination on her face.
"Anna," he whispered, trying to get her attention. "What time is it?" He asked with a hint of urgency in his tone.
She didn't realize how much time they had spent inside the room, and she quickly looked at her watch. Her eyes widened as she realized that it was almost midnight."Uncle must be coming home soon," Yotu whispered to Anna suddenly realizing how much time they had spent inside the secret room. They had to get out quickly.
Yotu quickly pulled out his phone and took pictures of the passageway. He had to document all the evidence, from the door opening to the bricks and the painting. He would not miss a detail,
With a deep breath, Yotu began to quickly lead Anna out of the secret room. They couldn't afford to get caught.
"What's with those pics? We didn't see anything specific as evidence," Anna asked with a confused expression. "What's on your mind, Yotu?"
"You remember my friend from elementary school, Inez?" Yotu asked Anna. "His father covered our parents' case as a journalist. He probably knows every single detail about it."
"Sounds like a plan," Yotu said, eager to meet with Inez's father and uncover the truth behind his parents' disappearance and murder.
"I'll ask him to meet up at our house tomorrow. We can discuss everything then."
Anna nodded, glad that they had a plan of action.
Yotu lay in bed, thinking about the mystery and how far he had come in uncovering the truth. But he understood that there was still a long road ahead. With a sigh, Yotu shut his eyes and tried to get some rest. He knew he had to be ready for the meeting with Inez tomorrow.
The next morning after yotu's classes.He opened the door, his eyes met with a boy who introduced himself with a big smile. "Hi! I'm Alex Inez, you can call me Inez," he said. Inez had light brown eyes and blond hair, and his cheeks were dotted with adorable dimples.
"Yes, I'm Yotu," he replied. "It's nice to meet you, Inez."
Anna stood next to Yotu quietly scanning him.

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