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Inez and the Kishimoto siblings were sitting on the couch, and Anna was whispering to Yotu.
"So... we're going to investigate 'him'? Are you sure that it's Inez Alex?" she asked with a light slap.
Inez was sitting next to them, and he heard Anna's comment. He turned to her with a smirk with one of the dimple prominent on his cheek.
"Yes, that's me. Inez Alex. I can clearly hear you btw-"
Anna flushed and looked away, embarrassed by her blunder. But Yotu just smiled at Inez.
Yotu whispered to Anna while teasing her, and Inez heard the comment and also flushed.
"Don't you remember your own crush from kindergarten," Yotu whispered, causing Anna to look away with embarrassment.her eyes finding yotu's lap to pinch.Inez could feel his face flushing.
Inez's eyes met Anna's, and he was lost in her rich brown hue of chocolate and honey. He could almost drown in them if he let himself. He quickly recovered and turned his attention back to the topic at hand.Inez cleared his throat and sat up straight, turning his attention to the subject at hand. The siblings were staring at him, and he felt his face flush again.
"Uh, so... the thing about your parents' case. How can I help you?"
Inez took the phone from Yotu and began looking at the images of the secret passageway they had discovered.
"Hm... that's interesting," he said, his brow furrowing as he studied the photos. "I stole, ahem, I mean, borrowed that file from my father's office last night, and there was no indication of a secret passages."
The siblings were stunned by this revelation. Inez continued, "But just because it wasn't included in the file doesn't mean this passageway couldn't have been used."Anna took the clue from the secret passageway seriously, and she couldn't understand how something so significant could have been overlooked. Inez could see the gears turning in her mind as she carefully analyzed the clue.
"This... I mean the passageway... How can they miss it?" she asked.
Inez thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe, it wasn't missed," he replied. "Maybe, it was deliberately removed from the file." The siblings' eyes widened at Inez's suggestion.
Inez drew out a file from his bag, revealing more details about the mysterious passageway.
"Take a look," he said, eager to show the siblings the evidence his father had collected back then.
One of the file says
*July 23,2013
Mr and mrs kashimoto has been found dead late at evidence was found on the crime scene..the cause of death was similar almost same and knife on heart most likely it wasn't the criminals first murder... Similar case was found in the same year
January 20,2013
Mr luke was found dead in his apartment at night with the same a knife with the same design, the knife was found in his chest similar to the current case*
Yotu and Anna were reading over the details, absorbing the information and taking in how tragic the events were. The siblings were starting to feel a sense of dread and anxiety, knowing that there could be a serial killer involved in their parents' death.
"Oh wow," Anna said softly, now feeling a little overwhelmed with the revelations. "Ineh, is there anything else we should know about the passageway?" Yotu asked.
"How about i discover that passageway i can be a big helping hand you know?" Inez said.."it wouldn't be easy the last time we snuck was a rollercoaster. uncle and aunt would be very disappointed if they find out about all this "yotu said.
Anna had jumped into the conversation, teasing Yotu for his hesitation. It seemed that she was eager to explore the passageway and uncover the truth. Yotu was mildly annoyed by Anna's comment, but he also had to admit that her help could be valuable.
"How about my help, Mr. Know-It-All?" Anna said playfully to Yotu.
Her teasing didn't bother Yotu much, but he knew that her help could be beneficial.
"Soo.. Inez are you free tonight?" Anna was trying to act casual, but she was also a bit embarrassed by her mistake. Inez noticed and gave her a small smile.
"Uhm, yes. I am free tonight. Why do you ask?" Inez said with a friendly tone. Anna was relieved that Inez wasn't offended by her faux pas.
"Good, let's meet tonight," Anna replied, her face flushing with embarrassment and excitement all at the same time.
This new development had taken Inez by surprise, and he felt his own cheeks flush.
"O-Okay," Inez said. "Where and when?"
"You'll see" anna said smiling.
"Am I interrupting something something? Should i leave?" Yotu's fave was filled with disgust.
"OMFG" anna said in frustration " I meant you both not.. uhm us alone" anna could feel her cheeks burning with embarassment.

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