Chapter : 01 Dream

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"Mia! Mia! Honey HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You are all grown up now. My baby grew up so fast", my mom said, wiping her fake tears. I rolled my eyes and laughed loudly. It was finally here!
"Stop being dramatic Aubrey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING! As I promised we can go camping this year, it's gonna be awesome. ", my dad said, placing the cake in front of me.
"Thank you mom and dad. Dont worry, I promise I will always be your little princess ", I said hugging both of them. It was night 2 o'clock.


"Good morning, Birthday girl! Come on time to wake up, sleepy head", my best friend, Jake nagged as he tried to wake me up. He was my first friend when my family moved here when I was 4 years old. Since then we both have been inseparable. Most people think we are dating but when we try to deny it they just don't accept it since we both are attached by the hip all the time. Jake has always been the one to wake me up even on my birthdays. Most people never sleep the day before their birthdays but I'm the opposite. I sleep more on that day so Jake always comes and wakes me up.
"Five more minutes, I'll get up.", I said, pulling my blanket over my head.
"Ok I guess, maybe you are not as excited about the camping as I thought", he mumbled to himself, aloud. That woke me up.
"Right camping! Tomorrow we are going right? Finally, finally, finally!! Get out now I need to get ready", I said kicking him out of my room so I could get ready.

As I walked down the stairs I heard my mom say, " Mia you are glowing today. Even today you had to make Jake wake you up isn't it?"
I rolled my eyes, "Come on, it's like a routine mom. My birthday wouldn't be called as a birthday if Jake doesn't come and wake me up , right Jake?", I asked him as I practically flew down the stairs.
"Don't worry aunty. Now she is an adult, from now on she will be more responsible, right Mia?", he asked, smiling. I slapped his hand and said, "Ya fine I'll try, no guarantees though".

Then my dad came and saved me by telling that he wants to give me his present. First my mom gave me hers. It was a limited edition watch on which I had my eyes on for a while. Then my dad blindfolded me and led me to his gift. When he opened my blindfold I was flabbergasted. His gift was a dog. It was white husky. I hugged my dog and said, "OMG! Thank you dad. I love it! I promised to take good care of it. From now its name is Sizzy." My dad laughed and said, " I'm sure you will take good care of it honey."
"Hey now it's my turn", Jake said. But after that suddenly we were in the forest and my family and Jake all were wearing different cloths except me. Huh what the hell was going on? Then dad opened his mouth to say something but his voice sounded like Miss Jenna, my personal maid or nanny whatever. "Miss Mia, please get up it's already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Your friends are throwing you a party since you became an adult now get up already!", is what my dad said. Party? My friends? The only friend I had was Jake and he is right in front of me. Then I started to tremble out of no where. When I jolted out of my dream.
"I'm awake stop shaking me", I told Jenna.
"Again the same old dream?"
"Ya. I don't know why I dream of my 8th birthday celebration every year."
"You just miss spending time with your parents. Oh right, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIA, I made your favourite dish as my gift so lift your ass of the bed and get ready, you don't wanna be late for your own party now?"
"Oh, but a princess is never late it's just that all the others came early. Besides being late means all attention on me Jeanna", I smirked as I was getting out of my bed.

So, I'm 18 now and I just dreamt of my last birthday I celebrated with my family. After that my dad become busy with his company and my mom became a really popular social influencer so they never had time for me. But they all sent me gift. After a while I stopped caring and became obsessed with acting like a spoiled brat. I was always the first to wear all the latest collections of all high-end brands everyone envied me and I enjoyed it. I wore a black silk dress with a deep slit near my left leg. I came down and Jenna handed me a box, "It's your parents gift". I opened the box and screamed like a banshee. It was a PORSCHE 718 CAYMAN . It was breath taking. Nothing could match her beauty. It was black colour with silver lining. Just the way I liked it. I hugged my car for a long time that Jenna had to drag me away from it so I could have my breakfast.


"Look who finally decided to show up at their own party", Jake said. I rolled my eyes and got out of my car. Everyone gathered around it and started to compliment it. I just stood there with a look which says, 'Ya, that's right. Nothing can match its beauty and it's mine'.

The party began and everyone were enjoying it. Usually it was me who would throw parties but today my friends Jake, Claire and her boyfriend David were throwing this lavish party for me.
"You guys did a good job. Who knew even you would learn how to actually party? I did a good job teaching didn't I?", I asked , praising as well as boosting about myself.
"You never miss a chance do you?", Claire asked, lifting her glass up.
"Nope", I said gulping my drink in one go.
"So your parents didn't show up even on your 18th birthday?", Jake asked.
I rolled my eyes, "Nah. Both are busy earning money. Someone has to earn it so I spend right?"
"Well said. Who cares whether they come or not. She is an adult now so now we can get drunk as much as we want. Bottoms up!", David said raising his glass. We all cheered and raised ours.

We partied all day. It was already 12 and my phone was out of battery. I was completely drunk but still wanted more. I was about to take a new glass when Jake came and grabbed my hand.
"You're already drunk. Stop it. I have to take you home."
"I'm not drunk , I'm totally fine see", I began to walk but slipped. He caught me before I hit myself.
"Your dad is back. He is pissed that you are not picking his calls. You need to go home", he kept insisting. I had no choice as I had to leave my own part early. Claire said she will wind up the party now.

"What are you doing so late at night? Why is your phone switched off?", my dad shouted as soon as I entered the house.
"Happy birthday Mia! Oh thank you dad, you remembered", I mimicked mine and his conversation which didn't actually happened.
"You're drunk?"
"Jeez I'm an adult now so I'm legally eligible."
He looked furious but didn't dwell on it anymore. Me and my dad had barely spoke for the past few years. He was always on business trips and I was always busy enjoying my life. I topped all my class and was good at all kinds of sports. Basically I was an all rounder so my dad never bothered paying any attention to what I did. My mom on the other hand was really interested in my life. She knew how to throw the best parties. She was always touring the world with dad or busy with her blogs. So we spent less time together.
" Where is mom?", I asked.
"She is on a trip with her friends. I came back from a business trip today and get ready because next week we all are going for camping. "
"Haha nice joke. Asif you have time.", I said laughing.
"I'm serious."
"Well you both go ahead. I'm not interested in spending even a minute in that dirty woods. You expect me to spoil my beautiful Gucci and Prada cloths and heels by going to some woods? No way ain't gonna happen."
"You don't have an option. This is really needed for my next successful partnership. You are coming even if I have to drag you like a dog.", he looked really serious and I knew there is no point in arguing right now.
My dog, Sizzy came running to me. I sat down to spat her head.
"So it's for a business thing right? Why woods and why me?"
Before he could give me an explanation he got a call and he went to his study.
"Great. The reason is came back was for his business and not for my birthday. He couldn't even wish me now, how could he possibly have time to explain something to me? Come on Sizzy, it's time to sleep.", I called her to my room. Now I had to see how u can convince my dad to escape from going to camping.............

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