CHAPTER : 08 Showoff

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"Dov'è il tavolo 145?", I asked one of the waitress.
(Where is table 145)

"Qual è il nome del luogo?"
(What is the name of the place)


"Sì, da questa parte, per favore", she said as she lead me towards the coner of the room.

I had decoded David's riddle two days ago and found out this:

As lovely as dandelions
As beautiful as the night sky
There is always something
terrifying and hidden.
(The street where the dessert the lovely dandelions are sold, at night time, near the hidden street which others avoids.)

Maryland is nice
As much as I try to remember
I live there only to be criticized.
(Say the name Maryland, the table no. is 145.)

Never let them know
The power you hold
The wisdom you gather
Or you will be crushed......
(Go there to find the truth)

The only thing I didn't understand is why he asked me not to tell anyone and why the hell he even came here.

I had waited for a whole week before coming here so Hamlock won't follow me. I knew he was keeping a close eye on me since that day.

I looked around the place trying to figure why David would come here. What was here that he asked me to come and not anyone else? What is he trying to show?


I jerked my head up when I heard a unfamiliar voice call out my name. What greeted me was a 5'6 foot tall, blond hair, green eyes women. She smiled and held her hand out.

"I'm Selena Malcom, you are here because you got David's message?"

I just nodded not sure what to say. I needed answers but that doesn't mean I would trust some random lady because she knew about David's message. She picked up my hesitation in a sportive manner and sat infront of me.

"I know you are wary about this entire situation and I don't expect you to trust me so easily..... so here", she passed a pendrive my way and left. I hesitated for a minute then, grabbed it and headed out.

As I headed out I heard someone say, "someone's gonna get themselves arrested soon... "


Next day,

"Please, I don't believe you. He can't be that good in every sport you play", I said, waving my hand dramatically around us, to a girl next to me who was fan girling over Byran. She just smiled dreamily as a response.

I didn't have any classes today so I was roaming around the campus when I heard people cheering Byran's name. I walked to see what was going on when I saw he was playing basketball against the champions of last year interschool competition. One against four, and he actually won. I stared at him when he grabbed his shirt to wipe his sweat. I mean the guy looked like a sculpture of a God. His abs were so.... I loomed up to see him him staring at me. After a moment I realized what the hell I was doing. I quickly averted my eyes but I caught him smirking seeing me blush.

"You want me to take out the shit so you can stare more at my perfect body?" He asked grinning so widely from ear to ear.

"No thank you."

"I mean I wouldn't mind.."

'Curse the God who created this devilishly handsome and annoying man. Would it hurt to create a handsome man with some manners??'

"Oh please, I have seen a dog have better bone structure than you" I blurted out.

What the hell was I speaking?

Before I embarrass myself more I turned and started going.. oh even I don't know where I was going. Byran tagged along, matching with my pace so easily.

Why did he have to be this tall?

"If you say so. Now are you going to tell me why you were there yesterday", he asked.

He was one whom I had heard, when I was exiting that place David had said in that riddle.

"None of your damn business", I snapped.

"You are trying to find his killer aren't you?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

He grabbed my shoulders and spun me so we were face to face. We were so close, I could feel his breath on my skin. My heart was beating furiously. I hoped he couldn't hear it as it was embarrassing.

"I want to help", he said.

"What", I asked, distracted by our closeness.

"I. Wanna. Help", he repeated.

I blinked and stepped back.


"Ok then I'll tell Mr.Hamlock about your little plan."

"You wouldn't", I said.

"Try me." I narrowed my eyes but he stared back at me calmly. After a minute I agreed since he wouldn't buldge.


"Why are we here again?"

"To look into the pendrive idiot! I told you a thousand times. Do you have even a single brain cell in that head of yours?", I snapped at Byran.

"Relax! We could have done it on campus or anywhere else, why bring me to your house? Unless you want to do something else......", he smirked, leaning closer.

"Get that ugly face of yours away from me", I pushed him aside and started typing on my laptop. I used a burner laptop just in case this was a prank or something. I told what had happened to Byran and the only reaction he showed was excitement.

"This feels so much like those thriller movies. Maybe we should dress all black and go around snooping", he said, relaxing himself on the sofa.

"God why did you give this guy only looks and not brain?"

"So you think I'm handsome. Well that's a good start, maybe you will fall for me eventually", I could practically imagine the smirk on his face without looking up from my laptop.

"Your ego is every much inflated. I have no interest in you or your looks", I snapped.

"If you say so", he shrugged.

"Got anything there", he asked after a while.

"No. It's highly encrypted. I am trying but I don't think I can do it", I replied.

"Can I give it a try?"

"You? With that pea sized brain of yours?"

"You never know."


He took it and typed for a few minutes then handed it back. As much as I hated to admit it, he actually cracked it.

"You're welcome don't worry", he smiled.

"Fine, your brain has a few brain cells atleast", I replied.

"There, see. It doesn't hurt to accept your defeat right?"


He laughed. As much as I hated his ego, his laugh was actually good. I had not once seen him smile and laugh so freely in all my past encounters.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts.

'The fuck was I thinking! No way, no. I wouldn't fall for this person or anyone. Love is too overated to be true.'

"Ok so what's in there?", he asked coming close to me. Too close...... Before I could say anything he open one of the files.

And what I saw left my mind in a turmoil of thoughts...........

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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