Chapter : 02 Encounter

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"How the hell did I ended up coming!!!", I screamed at my mom.
The whole past week I had dissented in my house saying I wouldn't go camping. My dad and I had a really long conversation about me not going which mostly ended up becoming a fight. My mom returned yesterday and I told her that I don't wanna go and she agreed easily. At first I found it odd that she sided with me but I was just glad that i won't be going to woods. "Come on, have a glass of wine with your mom. Consider this as my way of welcoming you into adulthood", she said, hell bent on making me drink the wine. "Well one glass wouldn't hurt me, but only one because I have plans for tomorrow", I had said. But after tasting it I couldn't help but want more. I don't exactly remember how many glass I had gulped but when I woke up this morning I was in our cottage which was located in the middle of the woods near Canyon Lake.

"Oh, we just arrived this morning. I tried to wake you but you wouldn't so we just carried you to the car", my mom said, casually sipping her freshly brewed coffee.
"This was your plan all along. That's why you agreed to me so easily yesterday because you planned to kidnap me here. Why didn't I realize this before? You purposely made me get drunk yesterday because you knew that when I pass out I don't wake up so easily."
"Well............ if you put it that way it feels like I'm exploiting your weakness, but to sum it up; ya, that's exactly what I did", she smiled and it made my blood boil even more.
"I'm not staying here I'm going back", I said walking towards the door. But before I open it, my dad walked in. "You can try but we all know the consequences of you walking out of this door now. So yourwant to spend three days here or spend a whole month with all your credit cards blocked?", he asked me in a even tone. Both of them were such good actors! I swore to get back at them when I get a chance. Having no other choice I  decided to stay here for three days, but I never promised to behave the way they want...................

"Mia! Wear a nice dress. Mr. Parker's son is going to be there. You know you can get to know eachother, I heard he is really handsome and a gentlemen. Perfect boyfriend material, isnt he?", my mom kept chiding, standing at the opposite side of my room door.
"Ya ya. I'll make a good first impression don't worry. He will be drooling after seeing me. You guys leave first. I will join you in a second", I replied. Actually I didn't plan in going. So, their actual plan was to set me up with some random guy? Wow, nice way to ruin my life. No way I am going to let that happen. I'm pretty sure that the guy is a douchebag. I hate him already even without seeing his face. No way I am going to meet some random gentlemen to whom I will be married off just to strike a business deal. Before that happens I will escape from here. But if I leave my dad will block my account. So I decided to play sick and not to leave the room. Since I was pretending to be sick, I planned on relaxing the whole time. I spent the whole morning doing a skin care routine and listening to songs. I was actually waiting for Jake to arrive here. After I realized that I was trapped here, I texted Jake to come here and give me company. He said he would come here by afternoon 12 o'clock. Till then I'll be in my room. My phone kept buzzing with my parents calls and texts but I just ignored them.

After a while, I heard the doorbell ring so I went to open it. I was taken a back at what I saw infront of the door. Standing infront of our door was the God's best creation ever. I didn't know guys with his looks existed. He had gorgeous light blue eyes, pitch black, messy hair, amazing jawline, one ear pierced. He was acutally the perfect figure of God. He wore a black shirt along with blue jeans. His pale face radiated brightly with a sly smile on his face. And to top it off he wore a chain around his neck, a perfect bad guy look. I was soo into his looks that I forgot I was staring at him for really long.

"Hi, how are you feeling?", he asked me.

"Really amazing", I said, still in a daze. He smirked at me and I realized what I had just done. I woke up myself by slapping my cheeks softly, so I wouldn't embarrass myself again. Suddenly he took my hands and told, "Why are you trying to hurt such a pretty face?". I pushed his hands away and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to check up on you", he said.

"Who are you?", I asked confused. "Check up on me? What happened to me?"

"I'm Byran. Didn't you just scream from your room saying you were sick?"

Oh shit, he heard that. My mom kept calling me even after I told her I was sick. I got pissed and screamed loudly.

"I'm alright. I just didn't want to meet a jerk so I am pretending to be sick", I said.


"Ya, my parents are trying to set me up with some CEO's son. So I am pretending to be sick so I could avoid to see that maniac's face", I said, sounding pissed. Even thinking about him gets me pissed. The whole morning my mom had talked about him. So, I never wanted to listen or talk about this guy.

"Why do you think he is a jerk? Have you seen him?"

"I don't need to see him to know he is a jerk. Come on, judging by how my mom explained his behavior saying he is a perfect gentlemen, I can say by all means he is a douchebag who pretends to be good infront of others........", I went on and on about how much I hated him when my parents came.

"Ah! Mia, I see you have met Byran, Mr. Parker's son. Byran! What do think about my daugher?", my dad said sounding pleased. What............. What!!!!!!!!!! Byran was Mr. Parker's son?
I bad mouthed about him to him? I looked at him and caught him smiling at me.
"Yes, Mia is as graceful as you had mentioned Mr. Austin", Byran said, smirking at me. My mind was not able to handle this. At first I flirted then I bad mouthed him without realizing who he was. I didn't know what to do so I just slammed the door to his face and ran to my room.

"Nonono. This can't be happening! My dad will kill me if he finds out all the things I told Byran. Wait! That might actually be good. Now Byran must be annoyed by me and wouldn't want to date me. That's actually a profit. Good job, Mia", I patted myself on my shoulder and went to the balcony to see what was going on outside. Byran must have told that he doesn't want to see me by now right? Not after all the things I said. From my experience, I know that all rich guys hate it when someone talks shit about them like that. It hurts their pride. It must have hurt his pride too.

But when I looked down they were laughing happily. What! How could he laugh like that after listening to me curse him out for no reason? He look at me and winked. That made my blood boil. I showed him a middle finger and went inside.

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