Chapter: 05 Beginning

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It's been months since I came back from the camping trip, back to my reality. As usual my parents went back into their work as soon as we came. So much for family bonding I guess. My parents are like chameleons. They change their colour so fast that people are too confused to see the real face.

Well...... I don't mind. Today new semester is going to start. Me being me, have no interest in getting up and going to school, so Jake practically dragged me to the campus.

"I heard that a new transfer student will come from next semester. I heard Emma say he is quite handsome and rich", Claire said, as we walked around the corridor.

"Good for you, you can ask him out then", I replied, yawning.

She spanked me hand, " I have a boyfriend, no thank you. But you on the other hand.....", I waved her off before she could say something further.

We went to our next class and sat down at the back so I doze off when Mrs. Camerson starts her English class. I was looking put of the window, cherishing the beauty of cloudy days when I heard Mrs. Camerson come in with the new transfer student. I didn't bother giving them a second glance as I was too sleepy so I just laid my head down. She introduced the new guy by telling his achievements and how we should study like him......... blah blah. I heard it too many times that her lecture is like a lullaby, hushing me to sleep. I was about to doze off when I heard his name. Byran Parker.
"What!?", I flung my head so fast and got up, I felt dizzy for a minute.

After regaining my composure, I realized that everyone's attention was glued to my sudden response. I looked at the dias to make sure that the guy I met at the camp and this were different, but for my miserable luck it was him. I cursed under my breath and sat down.

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Mia", Mrs. Camerson smiled. I just nodded my head in approval. He smirked at me as he introduced himself. Mrs. Camerson gave him a seat next to me, since so that I could 'help him adjust'.
"You are good in your academics Mia, you guys to help eachother could improve yourselves", is what she said when I refused to help him. I gave in because I didn't want to argue. I could just ditch him later. As he came and sat beside me I could see every girl's turning back and trying to sit next to him. They were practically drooling over him. So anyone would come front to help him if I asked. I just slept through the rest of the class.

"Alright! Now time for assignments. Everyone should write an essay about the topic I give. Your names are written here, come and select your groups", she called out. I was teamed with Claire, David, Jake and lastly Byran.....
Why........why!!!!!! God do you hate me so much!? I guess I really pissed God off since he is torturing me so much, I cried inside while having a perfect pocket face outside.

Our topic was 'Experience in horror house'. It made my day! Wow, my day was just perfect. I met the jerk again and got paired with him. To top it off I got a topic which I hated the most. Mrs. Camerson is a really old lady and no matter how much I argued she didn't give a second thought to what I said so I had to do it with no choice left.

"You guys relax I'll do the project myself and I'll add your name. Deal?", I said as I sat down in the cafeteria. Claire and Jake agreed happily. But that idiot, Byran didn't.
"It's a group assignment let's do it together."
"Ok mister show off, we know your a nerd and you score good. I do too, I care about my marks so I won't mess it up. So shut your damn mouth and agree", I snapped.

"Why do you want to do it by all yourself? Let us help you", he insisted.

Before I could reply, Claire did, "That's because she hated horror stuff. She doesn't want us to know it so." I slapped her head, "It's not true. I just don't believe they exist", I laughed.

He smiled. I knew that smile. I was screwed. "Then let's all go to the horror house together?", he asked. Everyone agreed so I couldn't deny. If I end then I wouldn't hear the end of it. Everyone were eager and planning when I looked at David. He was the cheerful one among us, but today he was quite. He didn't say anything. I asked what happened but he shook me off satin it was nothing. He looked troubled but I didn't pry too much.

The whole week passed in a blur.
And I didn't see David. He would always be by himself or absent.
Before I could figure out what was going out through day when we are going to the haunted house came.

Byran was the first to show up after me to out meeting spot.
"We meet again princess", he smiled.

"If you want your teeth to stay intact please refrain yourself", I said. He just laughed. Then David showed up. He was expressionless. He was followed by Claire and Jake. As soon as Claire held hid hand, he changed his expression. I didn't wanna ruin the atmosphere so I kept quite.

"Where ate we going??", Jake asked.

"I heard a new haunted house has opened recently. Let's go there", David said. We agreed. When we reached there my anxiety grew more and more. I was terrified of darkness and ghosts.

"You guys go ahead, I'll pay for the ticket and come", I said. They all went inside and I went to the ticket counter.

" 4 tickets please", I said.

"Make it five, I'll pay", Byran said from behind.
I asked him why he didn't go with others.
"Because I knew you were planning to ditch us, so I came to drag you in", he said as he payed for the tickets.

"Jerk", I said as I walked away. I went inside now having no choice.

I never knew that this place would change all our lives forever.........

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