Chapter : 04 Tricked

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"Please don't kill me!", I shouted, as the flashlight hit my eye. I covered my eyes to protect it from the intense light. There was no movement for a while and the flashlight was directed away from my face. I looked up trying to figure out what was going on. I looked up to see Byran's face flushed and he was trying hard not to laugh. I felt like a fool as I glared at him when he busted out in laughter.

"Oh! Please don't kill me!!", he mimicked my trembling voice, raising his hands to cover his face. I was so furious at him. He was there, standing quietly while I was scared out of my life. This jerk keeps making me hate him more, and expect me to like him? Huh, nice delusion!

"Shut up and help me now", I ordered him.

"As you say, princess", he replied, obediently jumping down and helping me get out of there. I thought he was going to help me stand so I could walk using his support. But, to my surprise he lifted me in the bridal style asif I was as light as a feather.

"What the hell are you doing?", I asked, flustered.

"You can't walk, so I'm picking you up. Why, what did you think?", he asked. His smirk told me what he was thinking in his mind. My cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

"Don't need. I will climb on your back", I said.

He nodded and didn't say anything. It was dark so I couldn't see properly but I think his face showed a hint of disappointment. I looked away as he carried me. We walked straight ahead for a while but no use. The only thing that welcomed us ahead was pitch black, darkness.

"What are we gonna do? We can't see where we are going and aren't you tired?", I asked him. He has been carrying me for atleast an hour now. I am well aware that even though I'm thin, I weigh more than a few doumbles he uses for excerise.

"Look a bit further, you can see smoke. That must be the camping site. And don't worry you don't weigh to much, I can handle it.", he said.
He was right, after squinting my eyes, I could see the bonfire smoke.

I was actually feeling glad that I hadn't insisted on going alone and Byran was with me. Even if he was an arrogant jerk, he was helping me.

"Thank you", I whispered.

"What for?", he asked, confused.

"For not leaving me behind and helping me. You are not as bad as I thought."

He laughed and we talked about random things as we made our way back. I guess my first impression on him was wrong. He was funny, smart and even if I hate to admit it, he was kind.

"I actually think of becoming a doctor. Since you keep getting hurt, come to me, I'll treat you for free", he said.

I laughed, "I'm not a klutz. It's just sometimes I tend to trip or hit myself."

"You just told the meaning of klutz", he said.

"Won't admit it", I said.

We reached the camp sight and saw our parents still there, having the time of their lives. They saw us and were quite for a moment.

"Why were you screaming so much Mia?", Byran's mom asked with a sly smile on her face.

"Wait you could hear me scream?", I asked.


"Huh, I thought we got lost after going deep into the forest", I said now a bit embarrassed.

"Lost? How can you get lost when you are with Byran? He knows every nook and crook of this place. He visits it frequently", his mom said laughing.

What.........What!!!!! This jerk played me? Wait... I got by bamboozled by him? To think that I was acutally about to trust him. I was so furious I hit Byran so hard and jumped of him. He shrieked at my sudden hit.

"Mia wait...", he began to say but I cut him off.

"Shut the hell up before I kill you. Don't ever think about showing your dumb face infront if me", I screamed at him and left, limping my way towards our cottage.

To think I actually thought he was nice....... it makes my blood boil. That dumbshit. Ugh!!!!!

Jake came and helped me reach the cottage. I guessed my mom might have told him. He didn't ask anything because he knows that I have no mood to talk. He took me to my room n treated my leg.

I decided to stay in my bed till I leave this hellhole. And that's what I did. My parents didn't pester me nor forced me to talk to that jerk. Jake bought me my food to my room and I spent the whole time reading novels.

Even when the day came when we were supposed to leave the camp I hurried and sat in the car wearing my headphones and reading a novel. My parents bid goodbye to Byran and his family and then it was all over. I wouldn't have to see him ever again. Wow! My beautiful life is full of peace now. I don't have to constantly annoyed by him or try hard not to slap him.

I'll never ever see that jerks face again. Or that's what I thought.

Never had I thought that, this peace is the silence before the arrival of a huge storm.........

Never had I thought that storm to affect my life soo much.

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