Chapter : 03 Stuck Together

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The whole day I had spent in my room processing what had happened and how to get rid of Bryan. After talking with him outside our cottage, my parents were really pleased with me for life. They said that I had made him fall for me without any help. That idiotic jerk likes me. So my dad was forcing me to spend time with him, but Jake came right on time and saved my life. I used him as an excuse to stay in my room for the rest of the day. My mom knew better than forcing me so she stopped dad from forcing me into going on a date with that maniac. She knew I would make things worst if I go now so, she let me do what I wanted to do.

"What do you plan to do? Everytime, you would just bad mouth them and they would start hating you but this guy feel for you because you bad mouthed him. Wow, unique!", Jake said, playing with a basketball while sitting on a rocking chair. I was lying on my bed.

"I don't know. He is such a pain in the butt. My dad is mesmerized with him for some reason. Guess he is a way better actor than you are", I said, still thinking about how to make my parents to stop forcing me to date.

"Well, my acting skills are good enough to get off the hook so I'm satisfied. But why are you trying so hard to make the guy hate you? I heard your dad say that his parents are on a business trip and will be leaving soon. Just make it difficult for him to live for next three days and when he returns he will never bother you", he said, throwing the ball toward the wall and catching it again when it bounced back.

"Wait what? They don't live here? He is going to leave?", I asked, laughing loudly, "Oh thank god! I won't waste anymore time by worrying about this. All I have to do is make sure I behave properly infron of his parents so that my dad gets the deal and then done! They leave, my dad gets what he wants, I get rid of Byran. Yes!", I was so happy, I was kicking the air.

"You? Using your brain? How is that possible when you don't have one?", he asked so casually asif it was a matter of fact. I got so pissed that I snatch the ball from him and chased him all around the cottage. He ran out of the cottage and I chased him till the dinner hall. We both looked so ridiculous running like Tom and Jerry. I caught him and was about to punch him in gut when someone called out my name.

"Mia why are you running like that?", it was Byran. He came out of the dinning hall.

"None of your business. Jake let's go somewhere else", I said, taking Jake's hand and leave when I heard another voice.

"Byran why did you run off like that?? Come in it's getting cold", a women who might be as old as my mom said to Byran as she caught up with us. She greeted me and Jake, introducing herself as Byran's mother. She was really pretty. She had whitish blonde hair, light blue eyes, her dressing style was simpler to Byran's. He got his eye's colour from his mom. Both of them looked like models. I smiled and introduced myself as Mia, Mr.Austin Sinler's daughter.

"Oh you are Mia? You look prettier in person than the pics Byran showed me from your insta. You resemble the angel, doesn't she Bry?", his mom said, suddenly cheerful. Bryan showed my pics to his mom? I looked at him with a suspicious look. All he did was smirk at me and move his shoulders asif to say 'I don't know what you are talking about'. What did I expect from a guy like him. Looks like his mom had a good impression on me. That's good. All my dad had told me was to behave and not mess up, if I can behave properly infront of his parents, so that my dad's deal proceeds without any problems then, maybe my dad wont trouble me to date. I might achieve my goal.

"Let's go inside and talk. It's cold", I said. We all went inside. As expected his dad was there. I introduced myself. We all sat down, talking randomly. His dad was pretty cool. The first that came to mind was that Byran and his dad resembled eachother a lot. It was like Byran would look the exact spilt image of his dad when he gets old. I shook that thought of my mind. Why the hell would I care how he looks when he gets old. I am going to get rid of him in next 2 days. Their family looked pretty close. But the way Mr. Parker and Mrs. Parker talk you could see how much they loved their son. Probably that why he is so spoiled. Too much love is not good.

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