Chapter : 06 Disaster

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I went inside of the house, grasping to all the courage I had. It was night time. The house was a decrepit, dilapidated haunted house standing ominously in the moonlight. The walls are covered in peeling wallpaper, revealing dark stains underneath. The air is thick with a musty, unsettling scent. As you step inside, the floorboards creak with each cautious step you take. Shadows dance and twist, playing tricks on your mind. You can hear faint whispers echoing through the empty halls, sending shivers down your spine. Suddenly, a cold breeze brushes against your cheek, and you swear you feel a presence lurking just out of sight. The atmosphere is so intense that you can't help but feel a sense of dread and unease. It's a truly terrifying place that will leave you with goosebumps and a racing heart! I wanted to scream and run away real bad.
The darkness seems to swallow you whole. The rooms are filled with broken furniture and shattered mirrors, reflecting distorted images that send shivers down your spine. The flickering candlelight casts eerie shadows on the peeling wallpaper, making the walls seem like they're alive. As you explore further, you hear the faint sound of footsteps echoing from the upper floors, even though you know you're alone. The air grows colder, and you can't shake the feeling of being watched. Suddenly, a door slams shut behind you, trapping you in a room with no visible way out. Your heart races as you try to find an escape, but the house seems to have a mind of its own, playing sinister tricks on anyone who dares to enter. It's a place where nightmares come to life, and every step you take is filled with terror and uncertainty.

Okay! I can't tolerate it. I scream as soon as I heard a song playing out of nowhere.

"Byran??? Byran!!!!! Come on I know you are there. Reply no", I shouted.

Inside the room, you can hear the faint whispers of ghostly voices, as if they're trying to communicate from beyond. The floorboards creak and groan under an invisible weight, as if something unseen is moving around. Every now and then, you might hear the sound of a door slamming shut, even though there's no wind. And if you listen closely, you might catch the distant echoes of eerie laughter or mournful cries. It's enough to make your heart skip a beat and send a chill down your spine!

That tingling feeling I got in my spine was freaking me out.
"Byran! Claire? Jake!! David?", I screamed everyone's name. I guess even the ghosts would get scared by the way I bawled my eyes out screaming for help. But the house was soo big I don't know if they could hear me.

When I was at the very of tears someone opened the door. I couldn't see properly as it was dark but I guessed him as soon as he started laughing. Byran.

"Get me out!! I am soo scared", he mimicked my trembling voice. I was so furious that I marched up to him and stomped on his foot. I was pleased when I heard his shreik.

"Ow. Mia! Act like a girl for once. You keep slapping me or stomping my foot", he hissed.

"Well you act like a human first, idiot", I snapped back.

We both went further inside to join the others, but no one were visible. I heard someone's scream and grabbed Byran's hand.
"Relax, it's fake. You should have just said you were scared and waited outside for us", he said, not jerking away from my grip.

"I have my pride", I replied, looking alert for those noises so I wouldn't freak out. He just coughed and left it there.

"How long has it been since you all became friends?", he asked.

"Why do you care?"

"I'm trying to initiate a conversation so you won't be so scared", I could feel him shrug. He had a point. If I was talking maybe I wouldn't feel so scared and my anxiety might cool the hell down.
"Me and Jake are friends since childhood. Claire joined us in high school and David joined us few years ago. What about you? You got any friends?", I asked.

"Oh! So you're curious about me?", he asked.

"No. You don't have to say if you don't want to", I looked away. I was kinda curious. This guy was so mysterious. One time he would flirt, next annoy me. He knew alot about me when I only knew his name.

"I have no friends. We kept moving a lot so I didn't have time or interest to make new friends", he said smiling.

"Oh", was all I could say.

We had gone a little further when we heard someone scream in agony. It was David. "Did you hear it too ?", I asked Bryan and he nodded. We both ran towards the sound.

"David? David!!", I shouted as we entered the room. It was too dark to see anything. I took a step front and stumbled on something, no someone....

I squinted my eyes to look at them and found David in a pool of blood. "David? What happened! Hey?", I shook his face, trying to make him open his eyes. Byran checked his pulse and said his heart was faintly beating. We were about to carry him out when he heard the door shut with a loud bang. I flinched. I heard the floor squeak around us but we couldn't see anyone.

"Stay with him I'll check on the door", Bryan said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "No, I'm scared", I whispered. He said it's going to be okay and walked towards the door. I heard a faint thud sound.

"It's open, I'll look outside wait", I heard him say as he stepped out. But behind him the door slammed again and I heard it get locked. I screamed and Byran kept banging the door trying to get it open. I heard someone laugh. Something kept moving inside making a lot of creepy noises. I was sure my scream and Byran's screams were loud enough that people could hear. I looked around and saw a window. It was half broken and the bulb on top of it was flickering. A moment no one was there but the next I saw someone shadow. They were holding a knife, blood dripping from it. The next time it flickered , the shadow come closer towards me. I was terrified. Byran kept shouting out my name but I couldn't respond. I couldn't move at all. My legs were shaking and my body shivering.

Then I heard a loud thunder sound and scream at the top of my lungs. Something fell on my neck and started strangling me. It was a rope. I tried to use my hands to pull it away from my neck but the grip was too strong.
As I struggled under grip, I heard many people running outside the door. As soon as the door got opened the grip around my neck loosend and I saw a hand with a weird tattoo of dragon being pierced at his heart on some flicker infront of my eyes.

Before I could react I heard Byran calling out my name. That was it and everything fadded into unconsciousness.

"Mia? Hey can you hear?", I heard Jake call.
I opened my eyes and saw Jake and Byran hovering above me.
"What happened?", I asked.
"Someone tried to strangle you", Jake told.

"David! What about him?", I asked.

Bryan shook his head.

No... no. This was not happening. David... he..... he couldn't..... he couldn't die. I sobbed until I again lost my consciousness.............

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