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Hannah's Perspective

Things have been weird... Don't get me wrong, things have been weird for a year now. I have a 6'10" boulder of a man that always wears a black hood over his face following me around 24/7, but since the football game things have gotten weirder. The dynamic has shifted a bit.

Typically I am greeted by a cold and stern König, but this past week I have see more of a nervous and frantic side of him. I know he has always been a bit more on the shy side, but never with me. He has always just been cold with me. Now he can barely look at me since the game.

At first I felt a little awkward too because our encounter we had in the garage was strange. My hatred from him disappeared in an instant and was replaced with a carnal desire. All I could think about in that moment was that I had to have him. My body ached for him. I was begging him with my eyes to do something.

He was so bold and assertive. I liked that about him. I know there is a dominant primal side inside of him begging to be set free and I got a glimpse of it that evening in the garage. Now it is all I can think about. But how do I approach this? This is not exactly the most conventional scenario. This man is paid to protect me.

Needless to say things are just different. I don't know what all of this means anyway. Sure I find him attractive, but is it just a physical attraction? I mean could I ever really have a crush on a bodyguard, my sworn enemy. And what about him? He wouldn't act like that if he wasn't feeling something. Maybe he is into me, but does he just want to fuck me?

König doesn't really seem like the type to hit it and quit it, but to be honest I don't know much about him. I really need to learn more about him. I may learn things about him that I hate then poof! There goes my attraction to him. I really hope that is the case. My life would become a lot easier if I could go back to hating him.

It's another calm Sunday afternoon, but instead of being in the chaos of FedEx field surrounded by crazy Commanders football fans, we are watching the game at home. The Commanders are on the road this week playing the Buffalo Bills in New York and there is no way I was going to sit in the cold to watch a football game.

Mark invited me to the game, but I rather just watch it from the comfort from my house and it gives me an opportunity to talk to König without the noise of screaming fans and music blaring. However, König looks tense. Every time I look over at him, he is bruiting in the recliner chair in the corner. What the hell is his deal?

"You alright König" I break the silence timidly.

He doesn't say a word. He doesn't even look my direction. He just groans and nods his head. What a fucking liar. He obviously isn't ok. I can tell something is bothering him, but this man is impossible to read. He wears a hood over his face! How the hell am I supposed to know what he is thinking when I cannot see his damn face?

I mute the game and turn my body to face him. "I don't think so. You have barely said a word to me in a week. It is bothering me. Can you please just say something?"

"Etwas" (Something) König mumbles in German.

I chuckle a bit. I have no idea what he said, but I can tell by the way he said it, it was sarcastic and he was being a smart ass. I see an opportunity to learn more about him and I seize it.

"That was German right? I think it is cool that you are from another country. I have always wanted to visit Germany. Maybe I could visit where you are from. Which is" I trail off waiting for him to answer.

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