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Flurries fall from the sky threatening another snow storm. Some little snow storm isn't going to stop me from going to a party. I want to keep the peace just as much as everyone else. In order to do that I need to show up. Besides Stephanie is dying to see my new dress. On that note my phone buzzes. Do I dare to look at it while driving on icy roads? My phone screen lights up with a message from Stephanie, then another one.  I guess I do because I'm not going to leave my best friend with no reply. I pick up my phone and open her message.

"Kyla are you coming??"

"The party started 10 mins ago!!!!" 

Oh shit! I totally lost track of time! In my defence the flurries are turning into a really bad snow storm so I'm not going as fast as normal. 

"Yep! Almost there! Roads are really bad, sorry!" I message back. I look back up to the road  and theres a cat! I'm going to hit it! I slam on my breaks but my tires skitter on ice and I lose control the vehicle. It's all a whirl as my car spins off the road and smashes into a tree. My head's thrown  backwards knocking the wind out of me. The airbags go off taking up room. 

Once I catch my breath my hands fumble for my seat belt. I un-click it and go for the car door next. Theres glass every where and my ears are ringing. Theres a smoke show going on at the front of my car where the tree hit it. I find the handle and open the door. I was pushing so hard on the door that I fell out of the car as soon as it opened. I crawl fully out, snow covering me. It melts when it touches my skin. 

I prop myself up against my car and look at the front of it. I groan. I'm so fucked, my mothers going to kill me. That cat better be alive or so help me. The ringing fades away after a minute and I grab my phone. It's not broken thank god.  I need to call someone. 

Before I can, I'm stopped with fear as I hear the crunch of footsteps from the other side of my car. Everyone should be at the party- it's mandatory. Who's dumb enough to sneak out? I turn around and peak up to see through the back window. Theres no one there. Maybe I imagined the footsteps? I shake my head, maybe that crash effected me more than I thought it did. 

I attempt to stand up but I'm stopped short as someone fists my hair and yanks me backwards onto my ass. A scream rips out of me but a hand clasps across my mouth muffling them. I kick and swing to fight back and I can feel the grip on my hair loosen. I almost make it out of the hold  but then I feel a sharp pain rocket through the side of my face. The force knocks me to the ground. It manages to knock the wind out of me again and my vision goes fuzzy. 

I roll on to my back with a groan. Theres a hot drumming in the side of face, besides the cold wet from the snow I feel everywhere else. I look up blinking away the snowflakes pouring from the sky. That beautiful sight is suddenly blocked with someones head. They have a black hood on and a bandana mask thing blocking the rest of their features. I can't recognize them, especially not with my vision blurring everything together. 

I hear them give a slight chuckle before their fist comes down to my face again  knocking me out cold.


I'm awakened by the noise of muffled voices and and an engine. Am I in a car? Where am I going? The pain  in my face comes flooding back and I can't help but groan. It hurts like hell. I've never been sucker punched like that before. 

Theres a bump and my head rolls over to the side. Theres a person sitting beside me. They still have their hood and bandana on with a whole black matching suit. Theres only one feature uncovered. Their poisonous green eyes.  Is this the same person that punched the lights out of me earlier!? All the memories of the earlier events come flooding back. Oh god I have to get out of here! 

"Shhh...No more punching. Though we do need you out for a little longer." They say. It sounds to be male but maybe my head is playing tricks on me, I'm not quite sure. They hold up a needle full with clear liquid and flicks it. They lean in and I lean as far away as I can until my head is pressed up against the window. They just keep leaning in and before I know it theres a sharp pinch in my shoulder. 

They set the needle aside once their done with it but don't back away. Instead they whisper in my ear. 

"Sweet dreams Kyla." 

Thats the last thing I hear before sleep washes over me and takes me away. 


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