Chapter 16

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I awake but my mouth is being shut by something. That something slithers through my head and I know its Shawn. However this time I seem to be in reality. My scream of pain gets trapped in my throat and I'm forced into silence. After I have a moment to adjust I realize there are people talking. I can't see them but non the less I know who it is.

"Did you even think of the repercussions of your actions? The boss is going murder you once he finds out how badly you hurt her and messed with her head." Alex hisses.

"Shut up Alex- She's awake." Shawn mutters back and I hear his footsteps come closer.

"You're gunna need someone to heal her. You can't expect her to walk in that condition." Alex mumbles and I hear him start to walk too.

"Fine, get Zero here, she'll do it." Shawn says coming into my line of sight.

"Sorry about that, I guess I went over board. I've just never been in someones mind as interesting as yours." Shawn claims as he starts to undo the bindings on my limbs and forehead. I hear a door creak in the background as someone else joins us.

"I was called? What did you do now?" They ask and I have a feeling it's this Zero lady.

"Shawn went over board with his game and we need you to heal her a little so she can at least walk." Alex says and I can practically feel his eyes roll.

"Out of the way." She states coming into my line of sight shoving Shawn out of the way. Her blond space buns and ocean blue eyes pop into my vision. She looks oddly familiar but I can't quite place why.

"Hi, I'm Zero. Sorry about Shawn, he can be a bit of an ass." She says with a wink. She releases my head restraint and gives a little whistle as she gives me a once over. I can faintly hear Shawn give a grumble in the back.

"Yeah Shawn, theres no way the boss is letting you live for this one." She states giving him a quick glance.

I attempt to sit up but the pain all over my stomach, shoulders and legs stops me.

"Shhh, don't sit up, you'll only loose more blood. Let me handle the severe ones and some of the bruises but I can't do all of them." She says lightly tracing my stomach with her little finger. My muscles tense under her touch as she trails it down to the cut at my waist.

"This might sting a little, just try not to scream." She states as her eyes glow pink. I watch as the veins in her arm slowly turn pink too under her skin and once it reaches her finger tips that are connected with my skin, it transfers to my veins. I feel this hot tingling sensation spread through my body and once it connects with my cuts and bruises it burns. My whole body tenses in lock down as I grind my molars together to keep myself from screaming.

After what feels like ages, she finally releases her touch and all the heat leaves my body. Beads of sweat drip down my forehead as I gasp in relief. Not only from the heat but from the feelings of the cuts that no longer exist. I sit up with a wince. I do a once over myself and see that the stab and 2 of the cuts are gone. There are still the little cuts in my palm and I can still feel the bruise on my face but she at least reduced it to not swell my eye. I look down to my stomach and notice that theres a bruise on my rib, my torso and by my hip bone all varying in different colours of yellow, black, purple and green.

"Can you stand?" She asks tearing into my shock. I look up into her now blue eyes and she looks to have genuine concern. I nod as I slowly sit upright. I swing my legs over the side and finally get a full view of the room. The desk set up in the corner, the giant metal door, the sink with a cloth and the three people standing before me. Zero is significantly smaller than Shawn and Alex as they both stand at her side like body guards. She looks to be younger too but around my age, around a year younger.

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