Chapter 2

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I walk up the three steps to the main floor to see my father already seated and my mother scooping up her plate.

"Hi sweetie! Grab a plate, chicken and greek salad tonight." She says with a beaming smile. I nod and walk to the island to plate up my serving.

"You we're almost late to family dinner, hurry up and sit down." My father grumbles his fork and knife already in hand. I nod and quickly grab a chicken leg and some salad.

"Oh yeah, why were you late dear? We got a little worried for a minute." My mom says excusing my fathers mood.

"The roads are really bad, didn't want to hydroplane off, you know?"

"Yes yes, can we eat now?" My father says straight to my mother ignoring me completely. She just nods but it's too late, he's already digging in.

"Long day at work dear?" She asks him. I don't know how he possibly could, every work day is the same for him and he's never late. Despite this, he nods. I just sigh and move pieces of lettuce around on my plate in dressing. My hunger from earlier has suddenly disappeared.

"Honey, you have to eat something before the party." My mother says looking at me with big concerned eyes across the table. I look back at her and give her the best reassuring smile I can muster with my current feeling that somethings not right. How can they still let us go to a party after what happened last night?

"Yeah...about I have to go?" I ask slowly, stabbing my chicken. My father spits out his water all over the table and stares at me wide eye'd. My mother looks just as start struck. She gathers her composure quickly and goes to grab paper towel, avoiding my question completely. My father wipes his mouth slowly still staring at me taking much longer to gather his composure. He clears his throat.

"Why would you ask such a question?" He asks slowly. I've just entered dangerous territory. I choose my next words carefully.

"Well...after last night...when Kyla went missing...I don't know if it's"

"Darling, who is Kyla?" My mother asks coming back to clean the mess.

I'm shook. What does she mean 'Who's Kyla?' She's known Kyla since we we're babies. We grew up together. She's practically my sister, theres no way she doesn't know who she is.

"Mr and Mrs. Fangs kid?" I prompt. Mr and Mrs. Fang have been their friends since collage, theres no way they forgot them too, they're still here. Dad even goes to work with Mr. Fang.

"Mr. Fang doesn't have a kid, Stephanie." My father states with a raised eyebrow.

"Sweetie, are you feeling alright?" My mother says leaning over to touch my forehead. I lean away from her touch. Theres no way they forgot her. It's impossible, we we're like family.

"May I be excused? I need to get ready for the party." I state. I can't take anymore of this.

"Yes but-" My mother starts, but I don't hear the rest of it before I'm halfway down the hallway headed to my room. I see the safety of it and speed up. Tears spring in my eyes just as I close my door and silently lock it. I collapse immediately and begin to sob. I am not insane, I am not insane, I AM NOT INSANE!

If my parents can't remember her, and her own parents can't remember her then who else can't? Has everyone forgotten her? I have pictures of her somewhere but I forgot where they are. I check everywhere, my closet, my boxes, all my bags, dressers, everything. But I could have sworn I had something of hers, Baby photos even. I was talking to her literally the other day, and she responded, so she must have a number still. I scramble for my phone and scroll in my not many contacts. Her name doesn't pop up. I dial her number and call. A voice machine answers saying the number I'm calling doesn't exist. I hang up and click my phone off. It slides out of my grip and hits the floor with a bang. I feel...nothing. Numb. I guess I knew she was missing and probably not coming back but now I know she's not coming back. It's like she never even existed. No one remembers her.

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