Chapter 11

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Theres flickering lights down what seems to be an endless hallway. Doors line the hallway, there seems to be hundreds. Theres a slam from behind me, as the door I came out off slams shut. Great, just great. I turn to try and open it but it doesn't budge. The key in my hand shimmers. Its no use to me know, the locks on the other side. I walk to one of the other doors down the hall, and turn the handle. It doesn't go the whole way, denying me access. Its lock is on the other side as well. I go door to door trying to find a way out but every single one is locked and can only be unlocked from the inside. Am I stuck here? That can't be, one of them has to be unlocked right?

I go on running down hallways that twist and turn, trying every door I can for what feels like hours. Thats probably over exaggerating a little but thats what it feels like. Every time I try a new door, my curiosity grows as to what could be behind all these doors?

Im stopped when I run into a wall. Is this it? That can't be! I haven't found a door thats unlocked yet! Panic starts to enter my system as there is no where to go from now. I turn to look down the dimly lit winding hallway. Ive checked all if these doors! I turn back to the dead end, to notice theres a spray paint of words. Wait, those weren't there a second ago! How did they get here? In bright red paint the word "RUN" drips down the wall. At that second  the door handles start to turn and the doors creak open as something growls on the other side. SHIT!

Before I know it, my legs are moving faster than they ever have and Im sprinting down the hallway. The lights flicker out behind me, following me, threatening to swallow me whole.  I know Im going to hit a dead end soon, I need to think of a game plan! I try to think but my minds on flight mode as all I can think about is running.

A stitch rips in my side and the pain is excruciating. I have to keep moving! Something glimmers on the wall and it catches my eye. A dagger? Wait.... A DAGGER?!?!?! I slow down slightly to jump up and grab it off the wall. Its a fair size. It is a dagger! Oh thank the gods!

I run with it at my side until I hit the inevitable dead end I knew was coming. I whirl around heaving for air. I don't even know how to wield a dagger! My best chance is to throw it at whatever is coming. Theres one light above me that stays lit, however the rest have gone out leaving the hallway pitch black. How am I supposed to see whats coming at me!? My question is answered when a pair of green eyes glow in the darkness. They come closer and closer and I back up further and further until my back hits the wooden door behind me. Theres no where else I can go, Ive been cornered!

A black cat crosses into the light. Wait...not just some black cat...the same black cat from earlier! The one that led me to my mother! Id recognize those poisonous green eyes anywhere.

The sound of Cracking of bones and blood squishing breaks through the silence. I also recognize that noise from before- oh no.  I watch as the cat slowly morphs into a man. The same guy I saw before he- SHIT! My fight or flight skills kick in again and I bolt! My run is stopped very short as he catches me by the waist and holds onto me tight. He has a hold of my arms that are beside my waist. I kick with my legs and try to squirm out of his hold but he's too strong once again. He grabs the dagger and slips it out of my grip. Then he tosses it across the floor and it slides into the wall. He pulls me into the darkness and spins me away from the light. Now all I can see is darkness. Sweat beads down my forehead and I can feel it sticky on my back.

"I'm going to let you go now and if you make it to the other dead end before I catch you...your free to go. However if I do catch will belong to the game. I'm going to give you a ten second head start Stephanie..." He whispers into my ear. It sends chills down my spine. If he is half cat he can probably see in the is that fair?!?
I can't stay in this game thing forever though! What about Liam and dad!? I'll have to try and run like never before. For them at least.

His grip loosens and I rip out of his grasp and start in a sprint. I ran this same hallway twice, I should remember the turns. I slide around the corners hoping Ive lost him somewhere behind me. Soon I hear his footsteps echo behind me and they keep getting louder and louder. He's gaining on me! 

"STEPHANIE!!! YOU THINK YOU CAN OUT RUN ME! HAHAHAHA!!!" His voice echoes down the hallway along with his haunting laugh.

Suddenly I'm body slammed to the ground. Nonononono!!! I try to sit up but he's flattened himself overtop of me. I can feel his breath overtop my neck.

"Caught you..." he whispers. My cheek is pressed against the floor and I to get a better look at him. All I see are his poisonous green eyes  looking down at me with glee before his fist comes crashing down over my face and everything goes completely dark.

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