Chapter 8

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Everything slips into slow-mo. The blaring sirens, the bright lights of ambulances and police. shouts from my father communicating with the ambulances. Liam's grip tightens around me, as he whispers into my ear trying to tell me its ok. I hone into his voice trying to block out the rest of the noise. It only works for so long as another voice breaks through. Suddenly everything snaps back to normal speed. 

"Stephanie? Stephanie? Can you turn to look at me please?" The voice says. It's not Liams...its not my fathers...who's is it? I turn around slowly, willing my legs to keep me standing for just a little longer. Liam's arm wraps around my waist giving me some support. I sniff and wipe my eyes. My blurred vision turns to a woman's face. Kind blue eyes....dark brown hair...I know immediately who she is, Detective Drakes. 

"Hi, I need to ask you a few questions. About your mothers death." She says. The moment she says 'Mothers death' my head turns to the tree. I didn't want it to, I've already seen the horrific sight. But seeing it again was like seeing it for the first time again. My breath catches in my throat as it's interrupted with another throat ripping sob. Her bloody eye sockets, her blood drenched work suit, knotted hair and her flesh hanging from her torso where the tree branch goes through her. It's not like I  didn't see her just this morning smiling and happy on her way to work. Now she's emotionless, her  beautiful brown eyes taken away from her, her sight stolen by her murderer. And no one will figure out who did it because by morning she'll be forgotten...

I'm startled out of my thoughts when Liam's face comes into view and he whispers me a "Hey..." 

"Detective Drakes needs to ask you and I some questions... but we don't have to do it here. She can take us to the station." He says.  He's crouched down and his firm hands on my shoulders are the only thing holding me up. I nod silently not able to speak anymore, trying to focus on my breathing. He stands up and takes my waist again. Everything is a blur .... the shouting and lights. I don't know where I'm being guided to but I follow anyway. 

The sound of a car door opening lets me know I'm leaving the scene. My shaking legs step into the police car and I slide down the seats making room for Liam. He enters and closes the door behind him, shutting out the cold of the deadly night. 

I buckle in but as I do so, I notice something black out my window. Maybe it's a trick of the lights? No it can't, its the cat. The black cat that lead me back home... It's moved over to Liam's drive way. I might be going crazy but I have this feeling that it's staring right at me... with those poisonous green eyes again...something not quite right about them. 

"L-Liam's that black cat again..." I say. He leans over to look out my window and I feel him tense and his eyes narrow. 

"What...are you ok?" I ask.  

"Yeah... It's just my brother is allergic to cats and he's getting close to my dads car..." He says but it sounds distant. Like he's off in another world. 

"Why...why did it lead" I ask turning to look at him. He snaps back and his blue gaze turns to me. He leans back and pulls me into his arms. 

"I wish had an answer to that..." He says quietly stroking my knuckles. Before I know it the car is moving. What if we get caught and we go missing? No...the person doing this wouldn't mess with the police. 

"When we get to the station I'll need to take things of yours for inspection...." Detective Drake says after a while. I don't have it in me to ask's not like I would have killed my mother. And Liam didn't...he was with me the whole time. Everyone else was at the party...right?

After another couple minutes of driving in silence we finally arrive at the station. I've had some time to regain some of my strength... I should be ok to walk...

Liam slides out of the car and I follow suit. We follow Detective Hawkins into the station. My hands shaking out of control, my eyes darting everywhere. I look over to Liam, standing there straight but I see the slight tremor in his hand. He's probably never been questioned before by a detective about murder either. I'm about to reach for his hand but he beats me to it and we clasp hands like magnets. We enter the station and the first thing I notice is how clean and crisp it is. Floors shiny, plants in the corners, marble counters, it's almost too clean. Then again, what else are they going to do everyday, nothing interesting happens here. Well not until recently anyways. 

Detective Drake leads us down a hallway and into a room labelled 'Interview room 1'. We enter and  it's pitch black from a moment before she flicks on the lights. A lantern makes the room glow and reveals  a metal table and three chairs. Two on one side and another on the other side. I metal bar in the middle. I assume to cuff people to the table. 

"Have a seat. Just some quick questions and then you can go back home. First I'll need that jacket, your shoes,  and that button up. To send them for a quick investigation." She says with her arms out stretched. I take off the jacket and  the button up. I slip of my sneakers and Liam does the same. She holds out a grey bucket and we drop them inside. 

"I'll be right back, you guys can have a seat on the other side." She states quickly leaving the room. The door clicks behind her as Liam and I take a seat. The chair is cold to the touch and a shiver runs through my bones. Maybe out of fear too. I didn't do anything wrong I know that, but these rooms have a way of making people feel that way. 

Detective Drakes comes in a moment later, no bucket in hand and she takes her seat across the table. 

"You'll have your belongings back before you leave if they're clear, don't worry. Now for the questions." She says calmly. 

"First, your names and relation to Isabelle Booker." 

"I'm Liam...No relation, just Stephanies friend...that was Stephanies mother..."Liam says taking charge. I'm thankful because I don't know if I can find my words anymore. It seems to work as she continues to ask questions and Liam answers.

 I zone out until I'm brought back with  the smack of someone slamming the door open in a panic. 

"D-Detecitive Drake! C-Careful! We found a blood mark on this jacket thing!" They say out of breath panting for air. 

Detective Drakes eyes snap towards them.

"What?" She says turning back to us eyes narrowed. She pulls out her gun and cocks it as she backs away slowly. 

"Show me" She says to the other person, not losing her eye contact with Liam and I. The person pulls out the Jacket and holds up the bottom.

Sure enough...dark red splatters  in the corner.

But they aren't from me or Liam... so who?

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